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Oh my, looks like I'd better fire up the casting pots...
I don't suppose MBK will be getting more. I apparently missed the 3 minutes they were actually on the shelf.
MBK is a great retailer, but they're lousy about making timely restock orders. You can always try NeedTrains.com.
I don't know if your pricing structure allows distributors, but Hobby Shops are almost always going to be slow to reorder direct from small manufacturers.For example, a hobby shop might order from Walthers weekly. If they can add NZT products to a Walthers order, they're more likely to stay on top of the stock levels.
I guess in this case DKS, what most probably are wondering is, will there be anymore made available for sale?
MBK already approached me about being a distributor for NZT. But these small-ticket items are a problem. The dealer discount is already almost too much to bear; the distributor discount cuts even deeper, making it quite impractical. As it is, I've been contemplating selling certain product lines direct only; we'll see.
Absolutely. MBK will get what they want whenever they get around to ordering it.
Um, you realize your undercutting the LHS market and thus will end civilization as we know it? Right Ed?
Placed my order online at above link for 4 caterpillars. Do not understand the $6.00 postage and handling; seems excessive when size/weight are considered.