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Just because a flat made arc can look like a curve it will never be a true curve . It will always be a faceted curve like shape which will be proven when thin enough lines are used and viewed close enough under magnification . It is a way to mathematically create parabolic curves to fit tangent lines ...
But if the faceted curve is fine enough that you can't see the chords, then what is the difference?
It will make you rich , famous , appreciated , and tie up all your modeling time .
Appropos of the current discussion, this add just appeared at the bottom of my screen while I was viewing this thread on the Railwire:http://www.goengineer.com/site/pages/mojo_3d_printer.htm?gclid=CNm7jKfC97MCFQKRPAodNEQAXw.is this targeted advertising or what?
^^^ This is why I love Railwire...
No, no, no and yes
Click on it so Tom gets the revenue .. that way we won't have to ask for donations
rocket scientists, meteorologists, oceanographers, geophysicists, EEs, and a bunch of good modelers .. what a combination
I'll get excited when someone post a photo of something in N scale scale that looks like it was injection molded...