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Dave, there is an extensive thread over on TB that I was sure you were aware of but should have mentioned to you nonetheless.It may help you one way or another.
And he makes a NKP wood caboose too Brandon
OTH, I like the breakdown of parts. I am a believer that, until the materials and tech catch up with the quality needs of N scalers, that Shapeway product originators adapt the breakdown of parts into their design as much as possible to allow consumer modelers to clean up the roughness the current offerings endure. And luckily, the Shapeways tech offers the originator the capacity to constantly upgrade his/her product without the added overhead and interruption involved by conventional manufacturers. So South Boulder Modelworks can continue to refine its product.I wish, however, that serious product developers will acknowledge the limitations of Shapeways and continue the breakdown of parts beyond the Shapeways package. While offering a marketing challenge - chiefly in guiding consumers off the Shapeways site to "complete" a package - the cabinet doors, fan assembly and cover, and certain other details lend themselves much more to etching and use that tech instead of making due with Shapeways. Plus, the etching option offers opportunity for more details like lift levers to be added to the package, creating a value added product.Perhaps Shapeways will see an opportunity here and expand its product line? But they seem to have trouble working out the current one. Maybe a Shapeways-like etching company will arrive on the scene?
It is nice to see some actual photos of the models. Do you have any painted/finished ones to share? On the Trainboard thread, you show some evolution in design since your initial post in February 2012. How representative are the first photos from February of the current design and printing? Those photos of the H10-44 show quite a bit of stepping and what appear to be rather deep doors. I really want and need some FM switchers, but am still a bit hesitant.