Not sure Mike. Designing in 2D does give me the ease to adjust each shape size to compensate for the bends and the loss from undercutting. I have to adjust each exterior shape face by 25% of the metal thickness due to undercutting. The best thing is tabs and slots, design tabs and copy to slots. Gotta love it. Keep me in the loop on your trials with SW.
Ed, 99% of my shapes do not have lines, just fills. However, I do use lines as bend guides and details such as flathead rivets, panel lines, etc. The exception comes into play for windows where the edges will be raised (full metal over half-etched) and no fill in the center. The four colors allow me to place shapes in front of, or in back of, other shapes to create the 5 detail layers I etch to. Examples:
In the end, since I create my own artwork and etch my own photo-tools, I developed this method to meet my goals. If I were using a commercial etcher like PPD, I might do things differently.