Author Topic: A Word Of Thanks  (Read 1682 times)

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A Word Of Thanks
« on: June 15, 2012, 07:16:30 PM »
No this isn't Thanksgiving...yet!    Who needs to wait until then...anyways? :lol:

Many of you have stopped in to view my modeling efforts on Rick's YouTube and I apprecitate the visit.    I don't have much to show off aside from some benchwork, tracks layed, the Grain Elevator and  Mini-city. It is a work in progress and your interest is encouraging.   

Keep coming back to visit and I hope this encourages or inspires you to get busy on your layouts.   I will be looking forward to viewing your work, as well.   We can all gather different ideas, learn new things all by checking in with each other here on RailWire.   That can't be a bad thing...right? 8)

Even a negative response isn't a bad response.   You might find yourself saying I don't want that. I don't like that.   Neither do I, as I would much rather spread it out over twice the area.    Not a bad plan for a 10'X10', tin shed.  I get the running I want, made up train storage and the layout can look fairly busy with multiple trains working the rails.   Proven to be entertaining to visitiors.   Grin!   

A shout-out of thanks to all of you who've dropped in. ;)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 01:07:03 PM by hpwrick »
BarstowRick aka RickH

If you look long enough, you are bound to find a prototype for what you desire to model on your layout. - Model Railroading How To's


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Re: A Word Of Thanks
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 01:37:39 PM »
The numbers are still climbing and the statistics bar, on the individual slide shows and two videos... shows the majority of the visits are orginating from RailWire, and the old and new Atlas forums.    Some from TB and they are all appreciated.

You don't have to admit you visited, we aren't out to ruin anyone's reputation and we can keep it quiet or as discreet as does the secret service.  :o

You don't need to make any comments but they would be welcomed.    You won't have to worry about offending me.   I'm slow to anger but yes I've been known to blow.   Just not here.  :lol: 

Enjoy the visit.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 01:08:41 PM by hpwrick »
BarstowRick aka RickH

If you look long enough, you are bound to find a prototype for what you desire to model on your layout. - Model Railroading How To's