Author Topic: N scale rail grinder?  (Read 8486 times)

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N scale rail grinder?
« on: April 28, 2012, 02:55:36 AM »
Would anyone happen to know of a N scale rail grinder train? I'm not fussed if it's a kit either but if they don't exist then I'll just have to scratchbuild.


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 07:05:27 AM »
Leggy, I love MOW stuff, and try to keep tabs on what's happening...

Answer - no - not that I'm aware of.  I've done a couple of simple things at Shapeways, but if you Google around you will see that some guys in Europe have gotten a hold of plans for some big MOW machines and built models. The problem is that they have not put them up for sale - or the lousy Shapeways search doesn't let you find them.  I'd do searches for rail grinder and shapeways and you may find something - or at least someone to contact.

Another odd thing is that most of the work I've found has come out of Belgium or Holland and these guys seem even less interested than Americans do in participating on the German language forums - where the big action is.  The reason is probably that if you think Kato has a west coast bias - try modelling Belgium...  The Germans/Austrians don't focus on the miniscule market there at all - so these folks have turned to Shapeways in a big, big way.

I've never seen any mention of this stuff on 1zu160, the big D/CH/A forum - and that is how you would start generating customers.  So it looks like some guys doing neat things in isolation.  I've never gotten a response from questions, which is so unlike my experience with the users on the German forums - could be some email blocker or something. 

The bottom line is that Shapeways (or other similar service) is a potential way to get some of these machines in a reasonably economical way.

- Lou

« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 07:17:37 AM by ljudice »


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 07:37:57 AM »
Thanks for the reply Lou, looks like I'll have to do some digging  :D


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2012, 08:11:13 AM »
Would anyone happen to know of a N scale rail grinder train? I'm not fussed if it's a kit either but if they don't exist then I'll just have to scratchbuild.

Are you trying to convert Code 80 to Code 55 or Code 55 to Code 40?   :trollface:

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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2012, 08:38:07 AM »
Trying to maintain a heavy duty iron ore railway to near perfect levels  :scared:


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2012, 10:01:38 AM »
You know - I've often thought that a railgrinder would be a perfect "cover" for a track cleaning system.

There are several sizes of these amazing machines - if you haven't checked - go to YouTube and search for some videos, especially the night videos.

- Lou


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2012, 10:32:02 AM »
You know - I've often thought that a railgrinder would be a perfect "cover" for a track cleaning system.

There are several sizes of these amazing machines - if you haven't checked - go to YouTube and search for some videos, especially the night videos.

- Lou
Lou,I'm working on just that.I use sharpening stones for track cleaning,been doing that for a while,I mount them like a Masonite pad under a boxcar.I had an F40 chassis,and some old U30CG shells.I shortened one shell,and put it on the F40,and I built a chassis with the stone under it and put the other CG body on it.It's painted a fantasy yellow LV MOW scheme I made up.Not quit finished,but I'll get pics up today.


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2012, 01:32:55 PM »
Very cool!!!


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2012, 01:37:05 PM »
I may have to steal the track cleaner idea for myself  :trollface: Seems a few boxcars suitably modelled would work as the grinder units, a passenger car or two as crews quarters and some tank wagons to put out any fires and I'm set.


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2012, 02:19:17 PM »
I may have to steal the track cleaner idea for myself  :trollface: Seems a few boxcars suitably modelled would work as the grinder units, a passenger car or two as crews quarters and some tank wagons to put out any fires and I'm set.
Actually,every rail grinder I've seen is usually based on all old passenger cars.Don't think I've ever actually seen a boxcar on a grinder train..Even the actual grinders are passenger cars,or something similar,with the sides open,and screen covering it..


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2012, 03:09:36 PM »
Check this out (HO, but hey....)

Re: grinders - I think those grinding cars themselves are purpose built, but a passenger car is probably
a better starting point, since they tend to be long.  Another thing out there in n-scale I had looked at using
was the Minitrix Fire Rescue train, which is wrong of course, but in some ways could be made to look
right - basically adding skirts to the sides (since a lot of real grinders have skirts to stop sparks from
flowing to the side and starting fires).

- Lou


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2012, 03:20:07 PM »
Actually,every rail grinder I've seen is usually based on all old passenger cars.Don't think I've ever actually seen a boxcar on a grinder train..Even the actual grinders are passenger cars,or something similar,with the sides open,and screen covering it..

Hmm. Interesting. Over the past 10 years or so I've had a steady diet of the Loram grinder trains, which are all custom-built Rube Goldberg affairs. One of 'em tends to show-up on nearly every major railfan outing I've taken. The Loram grinders more resemble hood units with walkways and a bunch of the mechanical bits exposed to the elements. Would make for a nasty scratchbuild project:

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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2012, 05:01:28 PM »
Hmm. Interesting. Over the past 10 years or so I've had a steady diet of the Loram grinder trains, which are all custom-built Rube Goldberg affairs. One of 'em tends to show-up on nearly every major railfan outing I've taken. The Loram grinders more resemble hood units with walkways and a bunch of the mechanical bits exposed to the elements. Would make for a nasty scratchbuild project:
Forgot abot the LORAM being built like that,it's been here.I'm thinking more of the Pandrol-Jackson units,they pretty much look like converted passenger cars.


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2012, 09:01:46 AM »
Well,  I have tried to start a model.  But, it has been put on hold a few times for Technical issues.

The latest has been the problem of trying to recreate the connecting power cables and water hoses between units.
The train will be transported in sections (by each car) and not permanently draw-barred together.  Like the prototype.    The cables are no–bigger than, sewing thread and to glue them into place defeats the section transport.
I have tried small wire, but it has a memory.  When the cars take a curve, the wire compresses and when they come out of that curve, so does the wire.
Once, I get this problem solved.  Than I can prime paint the whole train.

The train is made up of the following.   (4) MDC 57’ mechanical reefers; (1) MDC 50’ tankcar; (1) MDC 30’ tankcar; a Kato Smooth-side "Baggage" car and a chassis of an ATLAS B23/30/36-7 locomotive, with a 5th MDC reefer shell as it’s coat.
The ends of the Cab cars were modified with the Front steps and pilots from Atlas B23-7 frames.

From left to right.  Cab/Grinder(Reefer)/Fuel car (30’tankcar)/Grinder car (Reefer)/ Grinder car (Reefer)/Power Car (Converted B30-7A –like the prototype)(Atlas b23-7+Reefershell)/Water Car (MDC 50’ tankcar)/Crew Car (Kato Baggage Car)/Cab+Office Car(Reefer).

The whole train tracks very well.   And there are pervisions for adding “Brite Boy” (track cleaning erasers) to the underside of the Grinder Cars.  So, that the train, "Will clean the track".
The current issues are more cosmetic than operational.

Jerry G.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 09:42:20 AM by fcnrwy »


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Re: N scale rail grinder?
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2012, 09:26:07 AM »
 For your cables, use thread, glued to one end to the car with a small piece of steel/washer glued to the other end. On the next car, hide a small neodynium magnet. I have found some as small as 1/32 x 1/16 discs.

Tony Hines