So; my car is smacked; my son is puking all over the house and we have snow.... but; I modeled, so the world is ok....
I was feeling very "Richie" this week.................

A year or so ago, I broke the "political correctness" barrier and made a Rothman's Cigarette trailer.... well; guess what... I did it again......... idol, Jim Parker, who phototgraphed dang near anything rail related shot that little beauty in 1970.......well, I had to get "jiggy" with that one.... ain't photoshop grand ? I used the photo, made decals and.....

Gotta love tobacco trailers....
Moving on............
My son loves Kraft Dinner............I can't eat it, even if it was covered with JD....but I can not resist a Kraft Food trailer.... was a blast to make; I used Photoshop to copy the image and getting it "aligned".... then we went to town.....

I remember seeing these as a kid on the CN Woodbridge sub.... the paint is Flat Alum. with a beige mixed in to age it......
and then...... sorry; boring Puddy history lesson coming....
My dad and uncle worked for "Hinky Dink"........ok; Hinde and Dauch...... the Sandusky, Ohio firm that originated corrugated paper and the corrugated box... H&D opened a Canadian arm in Toronto in the 30's and in 1947 my dad joined them. H&D in the USA sold out to West Virginia Pulp and Paper (Westvaco) in 1960 and soon after (like a nano second later) they spun off the Canadian Divisions to Dominion Tar and Chemical (Domtar) and the largest pulp and paper company in Canada was born.
As a kid, I remember that out the back of the Etobicoke, Ont. plant there was always a few old (and I mean 1950's) trailers that were used for maintenance storage. I always loved the old H&D trailers that were sitting there; rusting but colourful reminders of a proud company that had invented corrugated boxes and the modern way of shipping everything.....
The H&D trailers were yellow and black but featured "Cora-gated"; a young woman dressed in a box... (a fashion plate to be sure) and were unique to the Canadian Division.... "but"..... I remembered a green and black one.... old and rusty... it disappeared before too long but it made an impression on a young guy...... shift to 2004; MR's Great Model Railways had a piece on a HO module with a H&D trailer in green and black; complete with "Cora-gated"......and the search began....
Now, we all know HO has "everything"... and even though I tried to find a HO verision, I never could.... dang; can't even make my own decals....well.............
The other day, for my "day job", I'm title searching trade marks and come across some H&D images by accident; a few more key strokes got me to a crappy picture of the very trailer I remembered and was in the MT GMR article....
Well; Photoshop; here we come...........

Dirty; rusty and not in working order, this Micro Metals trailer that I applied some custom decals to is a direct throw back to my past; it links my love of my former employer and the place I trained in my craft to my family's over 200 years of service.... and reminds me of a time when a factory was a "cool" place to sits at a sheet feeder (a plant that buys corrugated sheets and makes boxes with them) and stores "whatever" for them... just like my experience....
.... and if your hobby can do that for you, then you're in the right hobby.....