Author Topic: MR subscription at an end  (Read 5811 times)

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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2011, 01:03:13 AM »
I read the OP this morning before heading into work, and since I had to run a car to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, I had plenty of time to think this through.

I should state that I haven't subscribed to MR in several years, though I usually bought them monthly either at the LHS, Borders (which is now gone) and of all places, Wal-Mart (who also stopped carrying it recently..)

Its hard for me to write this because although I know in my head what I want to say, I'm having a hard time transposing it to words. (a rarity for this very opinionated big mouth...)

I'm going to suggest that perhaps Dave (and the rest) are using the wrong set of parameters. It shouldn't be a "Pros and Cons" list, but rather a personal inventory of what your expecting of the magazine, and whether or not your getting it. Is the magazine hitting YOUR PERSONAL TARGETS?

For me, my personal targets revolve around building things. Although running trains is cool, and I thoroughly enjoy the aspect of drilling cuts of cars, the greatest satisfaction is derived from spending some bench time, and building something. I know there are many in the hobby that are all about opening a box, placing said item on layout, and go run trains. To me, thats not modeling.

Modeling to me means getting a kit(s), and creating something yourself. Putting your skills and knowledge to a test, and at the end, achieving some sort of result.

An example of my personal targets are:
1.) Does the magazine routinely feature articles about building/assembly of kits? What about Scratchbuilding?
2.) Does the magazine routinely feature articles about building/assembly of circuits?
3.) Does the magazine routinely feature articles about small or mid sized model layouts?

Should be noted that when I say building/assembly of, I am meaning getting a box of parts, and putting it together yourself. This doesn't mean buying something "Ready to run" and making minor adjustments to an already assembled model or circuit board. When I say "Routine" I mean regularly, not once every 3 to 6 months.

For me, MR (and just about everyone, including the E-zine Model Railroad Hobbyist) the answer is "No", my personal targets are not being met. This is not saying that these mags suck, they're just following the trends of the hobby. The hobby has trended to being able to just buy almost anything you want, plug N play so to speak. This is also why the model railroad hobby has become the most expensive hobby now, surpassing radio controlled aircraft. (never thought that would happen in my time..)

My personal interests are just not being met. Ironically, the N scale mags are doing a little better as compared to MR and RMC, but there too, not by some great distance. Model Railroad Hobbyist came out of the gate strong when first launched, but now I get the impression of "Yawn, more of the same"...

So, for me, No, I wouldn't resub to MR. I'm just not getting what I want. For the rest of you guys, perhaps setting your own personal targets will reveal whether or not subscribing to any magazine is worth the money.



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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2011, 11:13:14 AM »
I can remember as a kid finding the ads, and what was available, almost as exciting as the rest of the magazine.
Fifty years later, I still find them very helpful but the thing I enjoy the most are seeing other people's layouts.
The Reid brothers, Dave Vollmer, and Carl Appel (1957) have been my inspirations.
All that being said, unemployment may still end my subscription in 2012.


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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2011, 11:25:51 AM »
J,While I understand and appreciate your personal high target standards mine isn't quit as high simply because  I still enjoy reading MR and usually find something of interest and enjoy the monthly layouts and Trackside Photos..

And above all..

For me there is no greater pleasure then reading the latest issues of MR,N Scale,N Scale Railroading,Trains,Classic Trains and Railfan while sipping coffee while railfaning.. :D

Summerset Ry.


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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2011, 11:33:45 AM »
for me, it was the fact that I can grab an issue for 1994, one that I have read 50 timjes, and still read something of interest, about Podunk, Iowa's branch to Hootersville using a SWGP14, a one of a kind rebuild. Toda'y MR, 4 reads and it is trashcan fodder.

As for Dr. Dave, his modeling is better than quite a few of the articles that I have seen in MR in the last 5 years. I can picture Dr. Dave calling someone's style of building rocks a joke


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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2011, 12:08:31 PM »
Similarly, I measure the value of publications using a scale with how much it encourages or supports DIY on the positive extreme and how much it feels like product placements on the other extreme. RMC, IMO, receives the best reach towards the first extreme because of their continuation in offering scratchbuilding and serious kitbashing articles w/ photos and drawings; followed by NSR and to a lesser degree NSM, though they both are lacking in prototype information and visual  references; with MR being on the other extreme - regular article-length sales pitches for Woodland Scenics and Walther products. I miss RMJ and MRG, as they tended to be excellent sources of detailed information, much better than MR. I will say, that the latest issue of MR is pretty to look at.
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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2011, 12:11:11 PM »
I can picture Dr. Dave calling someone's style of building rocks a joke

Really?  I hope I don't come off that way.  I'm not usually into publicly denigrating people's work...


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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2011, 02:04:22 PM »
Really?  I hope I don't come off that way.  I'm not usually into publicly denigrating people's work...
not publicly, I meant in your head. You have always been upbeat with everyone, but you seem to not like slugo


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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2011, 02:27:15 PM »
I get the hand me downs from my Dad, who has subscribed since the late 50s.  Every month or so when I visit I get the pile of MR, Trains, and RMC that he's gone through.  We both figure we're saving a degree.

I keep trying to get into the N scale mags, but I just don't see enough content in them to keep me interested more than five minutes.  I only buy them now, if 1) a MiNi guy writes an article, 2) MiNi is involved, or 3) there's a RW member article........I seem to be buying them a lot! 
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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2011, 05:09:56 PM »
I wasn't going to respond, because we go through this every year ..

I get MR, RMC, NSR, NScale, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Linux Mag, 2600, and Consumer Reports

Why, I find something interesting in each of them ..

As far as the MR Mags, MR is still my favorite .. they have the best pics .. and the HO guys do some really good stuff ..

The two Nscale mags, I like NSR the best .. it seems to offer more variety .. Most of what's been in Nscale lately seems to be RW content  :scared:   but the all offer me something ..


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Re: MR subscription at an end
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2011, 10:27:01 PM »
I just like it and I get it and I also got it for my 5 year old Grandson and he loves it! Can't read it , but he loves it , and that is worth a million!

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 I wrote ‘happy’.
They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
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