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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2011, 01:31:28 AM »
I don't doubt it.  In fact I looked it up and they get much more snow on average.  That's what being ten degrees warmer on average gets you.

So while it's 40 degrees and snowing in Buffalo, it's below freezing in Minnesota without a chance of precipitation.


No, that's what lake effect snow gets you.

Cold air coming out of Minnesota rolls across the Great Lakes picking up moisture that drops on the opposite shore as snow.  Lots and lots of it.  Parts of the east side of the Great Lakes get more snow than anywhere else on the world that's not a mountaintop.


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #46 on: September 02, 2011, 01:59:06 AM »
It can snow below freezing .

Can, yes, but the chance goes down as it gets colder.

No, that's what lake effect snow gets you.

Right, that absolutely contributes because the moisture has to come from somewhere.  All the water in the mid-west is frozen so the air stays very dry.

Spend 30 days in a row where the temp doesn't get above freezing and you start dreaming about moving to places like Buffalo. 


Dave V

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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #47 on: September 02, 2011, 07:19:51 AM »
Saturation vapor pressure drives the maximum amount of moisture that can be present in the air (it's based on temperature), and it increases exponentially, roughly doubling with every 10 degrees C.  "Too cold to snow," though a misnomer, isn't far off the mark, in that when temps are -30F (as I did see once in Nebraska) there just flat-out isn't enough vapor pressure to form adequate snow crystals.

There's actually quite a bit more water vapor in a given volume of air in Arizona in the summer than in Minnesota in the winter.  Because the vapor pressure must equal the saturation vapor pressure to form precipitation (or exceed, such as in supersaturation which can lead to supercooled liquid cloud droplets, i.e., liquid below the usual freezing temp), you're much more likely to get snow in Minnesota in their dry winters than rain in Arizona in the summer.


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #48 on: September 02, 2011, 08:11:31 AM »
Spend 30 days in a row where the temp doesn't get above freezing and you start dreaming about moving to places like Buffalo.

You need to shovel some lake effect snow, that will set you straight.  I'll take -30 and fluffy snow any day. 

Minnesota winters are warm compared to northern Alberta where I grew up.  It all feels the same below -30 anyway, but things stop working reliably when it hits -40.  When we moved to Massachusetts, everyone asked why we had three plugs sticking out of the car.  Some believed my line that it was an electric car. :ashat:


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #49 on: September 02, 2011, 09:03:45 AM »
If you measure how hard a winter is for people living in a region based on how much salt is used, the combined use in the just the NE is staggering as compared to all of the US.

NE – ( NJ, NY, CT, MASS, VT, NH, ME) excluding PA as there was no data:   84.2   

The rest of the entire US and Alaska: 83.9   

If you add PA figures in there that would push it higher.

Time for s sodium diet  :)


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #50 on: September 02, 2011, 09:13:51 AM »
If you measure how hard a winter is for people living in a region based on how much salt is used, the combined use in the just the NE is staggering as compared to all of the US.

NE – ( NJ, NY, CT, MASS, VT, NH, ME) excluding PA as there was no data:   84.2   

The rest of the entire US and Alaska: 83.9   

If you add PA figures in there that would push it higher.

Time for s sodium diet  :)

That's because, and my only experience is with NJ and PA, that's all they do. It's one pass with a plow, salt, salt, salt, nothing and hope it melts. I remember visiting colleges around Albany in January with 3 to 4 feet on the ground. The roads were spotless, you wouldn't have known there had been that much snow around only a few days prior,

- Phil


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #51 on: September 02, 2011, 09:19:45 AM »
I agree with the sodium diet. So do the bubbling rocker panels on my Jetta.
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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2011, 09:29:29 AM »
If you measure how hard a winter is for people living in a region based on how much salt is used, the combined use in the just the NE is staggering as compared to all of the US.

Or it's just a measure of their inability to drive on ice/snow ;)


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2011, 09:28:39 AM »
I feel for Dave and wish I were closer to help clean up.  I spend way too many years of my life living (surviving) in Florida and rode out the grand daddy of storms, Andrew in 92.  I was used to seeing the barrier islands I once lived on (Cocoa Beach) get a good flushing a couple times a year, but this and a few other storms redefined getting the crap kicked out of you.  I spent a few weeks in the greater Miami area helping a clean up a competitor's Architectural Model Business and while Dave didn't have to contend with 160mph winds, the flooding can be the most damaging as he experienced.  It renders just about everything un-usable.   Now that I live in Oregon in an area that  puts weatherman and a seismologists to sleep I count myself lucky not to have to worry too much about what the next season is going to bring.  But, stuff happens no matter where you live.  I don't buy the attitude that you get what you deserve because of your choice of home or location.  I think we are all one rain storm, one snow fall or one quake away from what Dave and millions of others suffer every year.  While I can't scoop mud for him, I can send him my best and maybe buy a few more of his products to help him out some.

in my civvies here.  I only represent my grandmothers home made Mac and Cheese on Railwire.

Denver Road Doug

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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2011, 12:43:51 PM »

I completely agree with your post.

Somehow "blaming" Dave for being in the path of a hurricane is in poor taste.  :RUEffinKiddingMe:   Instead of kicking him when he's down, how about trying at least one-millionth of an ounce of compassion and support?   And by "support" I don't mean offering to buy his ruined inventory for pennies on the dollar.   (yes, some of you did offer to go help him, and some of you may have helped him behind the scenes, or donated via other means, or whatever....I applaud you.)

Sorry, guess being stuck in the middle of a bazillion consecutive days of 100-degree weather whilst hearing glorious stories of snow and freezing temps is getting the best of me.   :|

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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2011, 02:38:43 PM »
...Now that I live in Oregon in an area that  puts weatherman and a seismologists to sleep I count myself lucky not to have to worry too much about what the next season is going to bring...

But not seismologists or volcanologists. Oh wait, was reminding Joe of that danger in bad taste? For those who think I (for my part in this) was blaming Dave for being in the path of a hurricane... pulllleez (especially considering I was in the path of the same hurricane). No blame was directed at Dave, I didn't kick him when he was down (in fact, I offered to travel hundreds of miles to help). I was pointing out a general social phenom, not casting stones. OMG! I guess I better learn the words to Kumbaya, find the 'holding-hands' emoticon, read Dale Carnegie, and keep away from posting academic concepts.
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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2011, 03:37:29 PM »

Monsoon.  ;)

we also get Haboob's....uhuh he said boob


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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2011, 04:16:44 PM »
Spend 30 days in a row where the temp doesn't get above freezing and you start dreaming about moving to places like Buffalo. 
how about living in a place with a month (August, 2011) with an average high temp of 109.0 F and an average temp of 98.3 F?

There have been 31 days so far this year (13 inAugust) in Phoenix with a high temperature of at least 110 F. The record is 32 set in 2007.

The LAST day BELOW 100 F was July 25th, a high of 98 F (it rained), was the only day below 100 since June 9th....

Anyways, Dave, I am sorry for your loss, it you need a dry storage area, I can be your west coast shipper, will work for 1970's-80's freight cars  :D

Denver Road Doug

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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2011, 04:43:06 PM »
For those who think I (for my part in this) was blaming Dave for being in the path of a hurricane... pulllleez (especially considering I was in the path of the same hurricane). No blame was directed at Dave, I didn't kick him when he was down (in fact, I offered to travel hundreds of miles to help). I was pointing out a general social phenom, not casting stones.

Huh, well I guess I didn't notice that the same poster that offered assistance also made the whinefest comment.   Anyway, I certainly don't think a 30 year hurricane event warrants criticism regardless.

People make all kind of odd choices about where to live, in any state.   At first glance my grandparents lived "interestingly" close to the railroad tracks.  But they were on the inside of a curve and although slightly downhill it would have take some freakishly violent derailment for the danger to get close to even their carport which was about 100ft closer from the house.   That of course didn't stop me from having crazy dreams when I was young about trains derailing and coming through their living room.
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Re: DeLuxe Hit Hard
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2011, 11:10:22 PM »
Hi Dave, I am very sorry to hear about the warehouse and all of the stock. Hope things are not a total loss.

boB Knight

I Spell boB Backwards