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Amazing progress, Gary. Remarkable transformation from the first pic:
I know you are pressed for time, but I wonder if simple protection for the loops would be useful if you plan helper operations? Some strips of cardstock stapled on would be a fast solution.
My hats off to you Gary - the non-visual progress is what I'm least motivated to accomplish, even though I know it pays off big time in operational improvements. My brother Brian Ferris is coming up to Vanrail and I know he's operating at Mark's but I'm not sure about yours. Saw hello if you happen to see him.
Looks to have been a tremendous success Gary. Do you think you will ultimately move the D/S out of the layout space, say into the house (or across the country?).
We definitely have the option to move the D/S into the house. The only impediment to that is getting voice comm. set up, and networking the CATS computer to the primary JMRI computer. Both tasks are pretty straightforward but require some new hardware. Exporting the D/S outside the house is a bit more challenging, but definitely doable, possibly via a remote desktop type of arrangement. Once that is sorted out, I will be putting the call out in this thread for guest D/S stints.
Sign me the f up!TT&TO for a day? hahhahaa
... TT&TO for a day? hahhahaa