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I don't see any power feeds to any of the tracks. Did you add any? That is a fair bit of track you have there and there should probably be some feeders. Having never built one of these things, I don't know about the best practices. Just a thought.
On the finished portion of the layout I am doing one per rail piece. However, I am not soldering all the rail joints on that portion and have turnouts contend with etc. On the helix I am putting them one per level. This is due to all the joints being soldered, inside and out, and no turnouts, gaps, or any locos standing still taking up power. Maybe not the best practice but since I have 8 tracks per level that would be a lot of wiring to do and I haven't found a difference between the two options. I have the first few installed, they are on the back wall and not visible here though.
That looks great Mike. A quick question for you (and anyone else). I'm debating on sub-roadbed at this point between spline, just like you're doing, or 1/2" plywood. For industrial/siding areas, are you making all of those things spline or are you doing them as a mixture, where the "main" is spline and everything else sits on something else (ply or foam)? Thanks,Phil
Well 12 days after ripping my helix out to its framework, I have it reinstalled and up to the second level! It took 10 days of aggressive trackwork to get to this point. This 'point' is about 15" worth of elevation and 53 pieces of flex track! I'm very happy how this attempt has turned out. I've ran my 24 car coal train up and down with only some minor coupler issues between the factory kato engine couplers and the factory kato car couplers. I think I am going to work on changing the couplers out soon, something that might be a little more reliable. I've also ran my stack train up and down several times. This is the longest/heaviest train I think I'll even run, it's nearly 12' long and weighs a ton. It's gone up both the outside and inside tracks without a problem. I also installed the backdrop separating the helix from the finished section to the right. I cut an opening so I could slide the hardboard over the first level main line, installed it, and then cut the opening for the second level main exactly where I needed it at. This allowed both openings to be as small as possible and hopefully they will be easier to disguise when I start the scenery.With the helix high enough now, I also started installing the spline roadbed on the country side of the second level. I am gluing 7 layers of 1/8" hardboard to form my splines. This photo I have 4 glued together. I'll get the last few glued up tomorrow hopefully and then will be able to start prepping for track up to the branch line turnout. That's it for now, thanks for reading!Mike
Looking really good. It's great seeing it coming together.