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During this past week I began work on MLW M-630s BCR 710 and 719. The Atlas C-630 mechanisms now ride on Briggs Models Dofasco trucks, and the Briggs Models M-630 shell has been dressed to fit the Atlas mechanism, deck and cab:The rear end of the carbody, radiator top and inertial air filter housings are separate parts and have yet to be fitted:The coming week is Spring Break, so I hope to enjoy some quality modelling time for a few days.Tim
Well isn't that ironic; I am just starting the same two locomotives; PGE 710 and 719..... 719 being the last one deivered to the PGE......or so I believe................
In 11 days time we'll be back at Heathrow to head to the USA....
Mark, here's someone using the system you just described:http://shendiv.wordpress.com/2010/09/26/using-wireless-phones/I'd take a look at what Bruce has to say and contact him if you have any questions or want some further ideas,Phil
Er, no Pud, 705-709 and 710-716 were received by the PGE, and 717-722 were delivered as BCR engines. I am modelling PGE 710 and BCR 719.I thought you would be modelling some CP Rail ones?Tim
The infamous Southern Light Mountain... Thanks to Victor for pulling me out of the fire on this one. Tested and passed on Eric's Nickel Plate line...Lee