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I would have considered the Amtrak diner if it was painted in Phase III.Someone on the N-ScaleVarnish list has confirmed that the "western diner" is a Southern Pacific prototype.
What I do find very interesting is the the Union Pacific is now an eastern road... guess Kato will abruptly cease with further UP releases.
CN's a western road...........? I guess the headuarters having been in Montreal for about 80 years didn't count....... ;D
Well; the NP is a foobie; 456 an 457 do not match the kitchen window layout at all and I suspect the "Lake" series of GN's is also wrong but I can't find a picture of the kitchen side to confirm. The CN is way wrong as well......that said; diners are perhaps the most road specific cars around as they were often modifed by road shops an re-built locally ( changing seat configurations etc...) so I have a lot more "flexibility" in my requirement for total accuracy.... I need a GN BSB dining car for my "Stampeder" consist (and boy, is that a foobie train ! ;D) so I'm in for a GN, maybe a CN and an NP car............Mr. Wallet is crying the blues....Big Sky Blues that is....................