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Paul,Awesome shots! Do you have any of the asphalt facility? I may want to add that to one of the two sidings.
The PDF would be awesome, but no hurry. It'll be at least January before we're all settled in and done with the usual holiday craziness. With a plan going forward, however, I can focus my Christmas gifts for Jacob.
I'll talk to Jacob when he gets home from school. I'm actually at home with the movers as they pack up the house (again). He's actually pretty astute when it comes to observing real railroad practice. He may prefer the single crossovers. I'm going to present him both options without mentioning my preferences.Jacob enjoys switching... He's actually "operated" the Juniata Division more than I have.The next decision is whether to go DCC. I'm inclined to just because running two trains in DCC is so much easier to wire than multiple block operation, unless I go super-simple, i.e., the outer track would be one block all the inner trackage another, each with its own cab. prefer DCC as the option, but also want to be affordable.
Dave, that's great... but kinda ugly.
@DKS, if you have a way to spit out the inventory of parts there, that'd be sweet!