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I know it runs totally counter to your approach, but you might try getting a couple of Lego Building sets, and see how his imagination makes the trains a part of his world (assuming that as an 8 year old boy, that Legos are an integral part of his world...)Andy, now 14, went from putting robot monsters on my layout, to legions of Lego storm troopers. Now that he's in high school and is studying US history, he'll come in, pull the Sherman tanks off of my flatcar, and create the Battle of the Bulge on the ridges surrounding Maryland Jct... Interesting cat, that Andy is...Lee
The good news is that the geometry works. The bad news is that I'll need to extend the table a few inches past 5 feet long if this is to fit.
I suspect some of you will give me crap for that choice, but that's fine.
Would this be too complicated for your son? Or for you, for that matter?