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Intermountain has told me they have NO plans to issue this loco in "undecorated" just like they have never done any "undecorated" before. I reminded him I just bought a "cab forward" undecorated.
However - as with all of their other units, you should be able to get the shell from them in undecorated form for an extremely reasonable price. I would call them and ask.
I have asked over the phone for a number of times and a number of years for a 40T-2 shell. IM will provide one if you purchase a complete unit. Which is OK, but I just need a shell. Maybe I'm just getting the wrong operator. If any one knows how to acquire a painted /unpainted SD40T-2 shell please let me know
I saw one of the SD40-2W's at the LHS today and I have to say that they do look pretty darn nice. Visually, I think IM has really done a decent job with this model, though I'm not vouching for accuracy in every detail. One of the guys at the store said that they run about the same as the TM's, so they're not to the level of Kato, but visually very nice.
If they run as good as my Tunnel motor, they should be fine. I never have understood the bashing of the mech in the Tunnel motors. Other than a loose motor connection to the lightboard when I first got it, this loco has run great. It usually runs as the trailing loco on a consist my son runs at N-trak shows pulling 60 or so cars.
My sample had the high a$$ coupler mentioned previously. There is a very slight bend in the walkway, but nothing to explain why that coupler is so high. At least its an easy fix. The chassis is a joke. Its the SD45-2 that's ground down with a Dremel. Its a total hack job. What irritates me is that they have all this fancy CnC milling machines to make their tooling. They couldn't use it to lob off a millimeter or two from the frame?