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I am still a bit unsure about how the final dimensions work out. Will a .2 mm diameter hole or rivet produce a .2 mm diameter feature, or does it depend on whether is is full or half etch?
The only change I would make in this preliminary artwork is the runner tabs should be more of a tall trapezoid rather than rectangular.
I always get in trouble when I do this. I dread the "Honey, do these jeans make my butt look big?" type questions, Aspergers makes everything logical and, ergo, makes it hard to 'lie'.
Can the panel seams be hand-etched in, using an awl?How are you handling the top door guide?Last question, kinda... is this the side for that Minitrix (?) car you were working on, and where can I pick up a few of these badboys and decals?
I would have done it differently. I would have preferred to use .010 brass and .009 rivets. I would also have used used two images that folded to create a total thickness of .015 instead of etching .020 down to .010. The thinner metal gives crisper holes, corners etc. I would also do the ladder differently. Half etch a .003 line where the rung meets the side. When building, bend away from the bend line. This will cause the rung to "pop-out" and look realistic.
Then all I need is a nice FM H12-44 switcher body to mount the VO-1000 mechanism and life would be great.
Bryan, Thanks again for the help up to this point. I noticed in the artwork you sent me for your milk car that your tabs were quite a bit smaller and had a different shape than mine. I was just following PPDs specs but it sounds like these are not hard rules. What size did you use? Also, what is the minimum sized line that you use (for the panel seams).
Bob, I think that you would have done this perfectly....in fact, I wish that you did or would! The DSDX 8000 series is also very cool, but I know that you have plenty on your plate. I hadn't thought about this two ply method. I may try that at some point once I get the hang of this. Thanks for the ideas on the ladder. Do you think that this would look good in brass or do you think stainless is a better material? BTW, I saw that the Milwaukee Road transfer caboose is on your to-do list. I am in for five of those! Then all I need is a nice FM H12-44 switcher body to mount the VO-1000 mechanism and life would be great.Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Please keep them coming as this is a work in progress.Best wishes, Dave