Author Topic: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?  (Read 11701 times)

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Caleb Austin

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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2010, 10:33:15 AM »
 I haven't gotten a bundle of ME c55 with the flash for a couple years, I don't know if I'm just lucky or if they have improved the tooling.

For any molding issues though, I think ME makes up for it with the smaller spikes/tieplates. I like the stiffness too, it helps with planning and gluing it to the roadbed. I'm not a huge fan of Atlas turnouts, but its the best you can do for the price.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 10:35:48 AM by Caleb Austin »


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2010, 10:35:43 AM »
Perhaps the blender video should include a comparison of Peco and ME, as well as Atlas, to see which one whips up to a smoother froth...
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Lee Weldon


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2010, 11:06:26 AM »
Not trying to add injury or insult. Lou you should really heavily consider how Peco versus Atlas is constructed. Atlas has a thinner tie profile compared to Peco. The rails lay on top of the tie with the Atlas track relying on the "enlarged" spike heads to keep it in place. The Peco track has a much larger tie profile and the track is literally Code 80 rail embedded into it. So it's no wonder that when you tore your track out the Atlas track came apart easily.

I know a successful individual that has recycled gob's of track, a lot of it Atlas Code 55. I kinda think you're reacting out of frustration, that it may have been a little more ginger hand in the track gang removing the Atlas track versus Peco which is more forgiving in being removed.

Your tone suggests that both Peco and Atlas track should have an unwritten standard or expectation that it should be removed and replaced easily or without damage which is not really the case in model railroading. If they wanted it removable I think they'd make it more robust. To that end, with the exception of Lee Weldon's track gang I'd safely venture pretty far out on the limb and say you're the only other person I've known that recycles their track (or at least tried). I'd also venture pretty far out there to say that the compliment to both Lee and yourself, would buy new track when relaying a yard, layout etc.

You've said it yourself the imperfections in the Woodland Scenics roadbed lended to your track imperfections, maybe a little more subroadbed prep would've changed the perception of the track? I stray far from the Woodland Scenics roadbed it's unforgiving foam and difficult to sand out the imperfections at the joints compared to cork.  

Of the places you mentioned that are out of stock of Code 55, you neglected to post the rest of their compliment of Atlas Code 55 supplies which largely appear to be in stock. And if they are out of stock doesn't that suggest, that it is something that is in demand -that people actually prefer to use this track? Just a thought.

The S.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 11:10:55 AM by sizemore »

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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2010, 04:11:50 PM »
Wow, I got home at 4:00 and look at all the posts! Some of the posts aren't very constructive, mind you. I would have included Peco, but I'm a teenager, without a job. And a $5 a week allowance isn't gonna cover Peco track. Atlas does seem to be pretty delicate, but makes up with it's availibility. ME sounds good for a say a small layout, like my new door layout. I've wondered about the ME turnouts, it's not like I'm gonna have much variation at all with the turnouts.

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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2010, 04:25:44 PM »
Those ME turnouts are weird.

They're not DCC friendly, if I remember correctly, and need real TLC in installation.


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2010, 04:39:49 PM »
Definatley prefer the ME however the atlas is pretty good too I find the ME easier when it comes to curving it because it holds shape better. 8)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 04:48:02 PM by unittrain »


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2010, 04:55:27 PM »
The most useful opinions are based on first hand experience and I know several of the responders here have that experience.  I, too, have used both Peco 55 and Atlas 55 and much prefer Atlas.  I have a pile of Peco 55 track and switches that I will make someone a good deal on.  The reasons I switched to Atlas are several:

1 Even with shimming the guardrails, 4 axle units would dance through the Peco switches.  With Atlas switches, they run much smoother. This is important to me because I love F-units.

2 I used several curved Peco 55 switches and have had them change gauge after years of being installed.  The point rails are not very stout and, after trying to hold their own against heavy cab units, slowly go out of gauge.  Of course the first ones to cause trouble were in hidden staging throats.  Since there are no Atlas curved switches yet, I have made several with a Fast Tracks jig and will have no trouble with them going out of gauge since the point rails are much stiffer.

3 I use foam roadbed which I cut myself from a large roll and have no issues with Atlas going over the joints.  I also use white glue to attach my track which allows easy removal for changes and what not.  Ballasting does not affect track positioning.

4 Last, but not least, is appearance, which most everyone agrees is better than Peco.

I have had some issues with the plastic piece that holds the point rails on Atlas switches interfering with some loco trucks.  This was on 2 out of dozens of switches installed and was easlily corrected.

Everyone's experiences can be different, and I don't claim to know it all or use the best methods and materials.  I just have a combination that work's well for me.
Marc Haas
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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2010, 05:56:49 PM »
Sorry for being so flip in some of my earlier comments. I've been around these forums for many years and my reputation is to be passionate - but I'm always doing it with a good sense of humor and never intending to be nasty - and I know everyone else is the same. At least here, which is why I prefer Railwire!

As I said - there is no doubt that Atlas and ME look fantastic. And maybe my track laying technique - which was honed on my first BIG layout was just tuned to Peco. But I had problems no matter what I did - surprising ones - like Kato locomotives hitting spikes - and Atlas SD60's crashing off the rails in Atlas turnouts.  I know all of these can be "tuned" - and the stuff looks so good, it's probably worth it. But as a one man show here, I just could not justify spending all my time on the track - and yes - I really hated it after a while.

Peco obviously has the spacing problem - but I have not seen many others. I don't use curved turnouts and the straight ones have lasted over 10 years on two layouts. I am majorly into concrete ties on the new layout. I know ME has concrete and it probably looks better - but I've never even seen it, so I can't say for sure.

I hope the next container from China has your Atlas Flextrack - But I've got to tell you, it's pretty pathetic that they are OOS everywhere and if I were committed to the stuff, I'd be developing a "Plan B"...
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 06:06:00 PM by ljudice »


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2010, 06:00:38 PM »

The story is that Atlas has ripped the cooling pipes out of the wall in their old plant for cash as the production has moved to China.  Bad move in my opinion.

If I were commited to Atlas track I'd be develping a backup plan at this point.

I bet BLMA will produce some soon  ;)


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2010, 06:07:00 PM »
I can see that too.


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2010, 06:07:29 PM »
John - I'd love to see Craig or Matt do track - I am sure it would be great.

But track is a commodity. Track is what you go down to the LHS and pick up on a Saturday to do that project you thought of on Friday!  It's NOT (NOT!!!) something you "pre-order" or "place reservations" for!

It is ABSURD for it to be OOS - PERIOD!

My understanding is that the Atlas track problem has badly hurt LHS's because their walk in trade is related to track.  (Ie. people go to buy track and end up buying a new locomotive).  The HO stuff has been OOS for months too.

I'll say this - if Atlas made the stuff in the USA and it was always available, I'd put up with it, despite the issues I had.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 06:12:13 PM by ljudice »


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2010, 06:11:01 PM »
Lets' go with Arnold Rapido track, it had that tres cool "self cleaning" rail profile!


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2010, 06:26:09 PM »
No topic elicits more passion on the boards than track (save maybe for Kato's stance on eastern roads).  N Scale Supply has a nice set of photos to make visual comparisons easy, except for tie spacing.



I wish the rail clips on the ME/concrete were a bitter smaller (and rust colored) but Craig will fix that.   ::)


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2010, 10:59:52 PM »
The ME clips are a little disturbing... 

I've been experimenting with sanding down P/C55 "wood" ties into a profile closer to US concrete ties and then airbrushing the whole shebang - then painting the rails with the nifty new rail-painter roller thing.

No one mentioned that in HO, Peco has a north american track product. If that came to N, it might be interesting.


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Re: N Scale Flextrack, what to use?
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2010, 12:23:12 AM »
Those ME turnouts are weird.

They're not DCC friendly, if I remember correctly, and need real TLC in installation.

They upgraded their tooling for DCC friendly for HO at least, I'm not sure about N.
