I'm a bit late entering into this, but Digitrax can make signaling relatively painless, with most other brands of DCC systems too. By far the easiest way they have, is you run another "LocoNet" (telephone cable) with detectors, and on the last car in the consist put a "transponder" that can be battery powered. You can make semiphores signals "tumble-down" in SP-type prototypical fashion, without miles of wires and a million dollars worth of electronics. ATS signaling will cost a bit more, and will work far better with an old second-handed (slow/almost any processor) running things. I know someone who got a $50 garage sale 'puter that runs his entire DCC layout (if he wants it to), and it's fully signaled. Too bad he's in (gasp!) HO! No, he's got a nice medium-large (about 2 car garage-size) layout, and it operates flawlessly.