Author Topic: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines  (Read 2950 times)

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James Costello

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Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« on: October 11, 2009, 03:09:42 AM »
Posted this over on Trainboard / Atlas over the weekend after some confusing comments. Thought it may be of interest here too....

BLMA has announced a 5 unit, 53' length spine car, TTX class "RAF53C" built by Trinity Rail in 12/1997. They are an all-purpose spine and can take a container or trailer up to 53' in length. There are 240 cars in this class, TTAX 555000 - 555239.
BLMA model Details (or follow the link from the BLMA New Models Blog:

Trinity began constructing 53' Spines in 1993 with the RAF53 and RAF53A classes, that continued into 1994 (TTAX 553000 - 554159). 500 RAF53B cars were built 94-95 (TTAX 554160 - 556159), followed up by the 240 RAF53C cars of late 1997 (TTAX 555000 - 555239). There were 1500 cars built by Trinity after that, but I can't confirm the class at the moment (TTAX 555500 - 556999). I don't know the differences between the classes, if any, but will be looking into it further - I'd like some for the Espee prior to 9/11/96.

DeLuxe Innovations has two spines in development.

The comparable car is the Johnston America 5 unit, 53' spine, TTX class "JAF53" which is also can also take trailers and containers up to 53' in length.

This is the spine that has been in development in conjunction with GHQ for some time and Dave has stated he is completely at GHQ's mercy for any progress. I believe we all share Dave's frustration with this. Maybe Dave can chip in with any plans he has for roadnumbers etc so that we can establish a timeline for this model. The JAF53 / JAF53A classes (I'm not sure on the difference between them) began production in 1993, with over 1,000 cars built into 1994 (TTAX 653000 - 654404).

Ok, now lets not confuse either of these two spines with the other car DI has in development, the TTRX 3 unit, 57' spine in the NAF30A class. NSC built 500 of these cars from 11/04 to 05/05 in the TTRX 552000 - 552499 range. NSC also built 1150 other cars in the 370000 - 371149 series. Deluxe's website has them doing both single trailer hitch and two-trailer hitch versions and are due 2nd quarter, 2010.

So, there you have it. Three different spines in production, the first two are expected to be available in about 6 months time. Hopefully GHQ can show us N-Scalers some more love and get there version moving too! I'm sure all models will be something special based on the past history of DeLuxe and BLMA, and I can't wait get a heap of each.

Hopefully we'll be able to backdate them easily for some early 90's intermodal action and hopefully a manufacturer steps up and releases a RTR 5 unit 48' spine.

Here's the source for prototype data:

And for the TTX classes of all-purpose spines:

1st Letter = Manufacturer
R = Trinity, J = Johnston America, N = NSC

2nd & 3rd Letter
A = All Purpose
F = Flat Car

1st Number seems to indicate units:
5 = 5 unit, 3 = 3 unit

2nd Number seems to indicate spine length
5 = 48' Spine, 3 = 53' Spine, 0 = 57' Spine.

ie, RAF53C = Trinity built, 5 unit, 53' Spine.
James Costello
Espee into the 90's


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2009, 04:36:57 AM »
There were 1500 cars built by Trinity after that, but I can't confirm the class at the moment (TTAX 555500 - 556999). I don't know the differences between the classes, if any, but will be looking into it further - I'd like some for the Espee prior to 9/11/96.

James - the units between 555500 and 556999 are 53' rebuilds of the 48' spine sets from the 7xxxx series.  The wheel tray portion has been extended by 5', as in this picture:

I doubt that 1500 sets actually have been or will be rebuilt, but I'm not sure.

I got Peter at N Scale Kits to sell me some spare parts from a 48' spine set so I can try one of these rebuilds myself.   :D


P.S. I came across the rebuild info on the web somewhere, but now I can't remember where....

James Costello

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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2009, 05:54:53 AM »
James - the units between 555500 and 556999 are 53' rebuilds of the 48' spine sets from the 7xxxx series.  The wheel tray portion has been extended by 5', as in this picture:

Ok cool - they're very distinctive rebuilds. Good idea with the extra parts too! Have you got enough photos of those units .... I have a few.

James Costello
Espee into the 90's


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2009, 11:16:57 AM »
PM sent.  Thanks!


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2009, 11:51:53 AM »
Re: DI spines -

I could be wrong about this - but I thought it was a 48' car that DI was doing with GHQ and was pretty much dead. The next model up - which is coming in the spring is a 53' car - and the 57 footer is further in the future.

I'm excited about all of these cars - these articulated cars are perfect from an operations point of view - I have 24" curves throughout and even on these, the 89 foot cars have their problems.

According to BLW, GHQ just came out with 1940's automobile kits, so they are definitely actively doing something...


« Last Edit: October 11, 2009, 11:53:34 AM by ljudice »

James Costello

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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2009, 03:49:33 PM »
Hi Lou

The DI / GHQ car is definitely a 53' car and is stalled at GHQ. No firm release date yet. The photo above comes from the New Tooling page of their website.

The 57' car is scheduled for a spring release (from the latest Reservation Spreadsheet), it will follow the Maxi-IV off the production line....

DI is currently not producing a 48' spine and AFAIK, has never announced one.

GHQ has been active on their website and forum too, so yeah, they're doing something....
James Costello
Espee into the 90's


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2009, 06:09:53 PM »
Got my spines mixed up there!  Sorry!!! :)

At any rate it looks as if we will no longer be spine-less!!!


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2010, 10:27:18 AM »
Any comments on the major visual differences between the early Trinity 53' spines and the cars BLMA is doing???



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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2010, 11:08:38 AM »
Biggest difference is that the end units on the RAF53C can't handle two 20' containers.  The RAF53P (prototype car) , RAF53, RAF53A (Portec latch restraints), and RAF53B (Holland latch restraints) classes could.  Deck widths and heights were also different... 9' 6" width and 3' 1" height for RAF53P, RAF53, and RAF53A...  8' 8.5" width and 3' .5" height for RAF53B and RAF53C... latter two also had a slightly shorter draft shank on the coupler... resulting in a .5" less length over coupler pulling faces.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 11:14:33 AM by Robbman »


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2010, 12:02:24 PM »
Biggest differences is that one will be deliver while the other is vaporware. ;D
Which ever side of the track I am on is the right side.


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Re: Differences between BLMA and DeLuxe Spines
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2010, 07:18:26 PM »
Thanks guys...