Author Topic: Weekend Update 1/27/2008  (Read 8179 times)

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Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« on: January 27, 2008, 05:27:29 PM »
Its that time ..

For me .. 1Trak module work .. installed a pair of Tortoises on the crossover on my 1x4 module, put in some of those fugly ground throws so Tim won't derail while switching .. added a turnout and a an industry on the 1x4, and also planted some trees ..
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 05:29:13 PM by John »


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 05:31:02 PM »
BLC gets some rodded power to keep Randy's Climax's company .

MP cab on MDC 2-8-0 . Browa plow added and modfied smokebox railing added.

Athearn/Micro Ace with pilot supports .

Micro Ace 0-6-6-0 converted to 2-6-6-0 with MP tender , noticed missing bell after photo shoot , since been addad .
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 07:24:00 PM by up1950s »

Richie Dost

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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 06:15:44 PM »
Working on the Walthers ADM Grain Elevator. The parts are a little shaky in the N scale version. I built the HO kit with no problems on my last layout. I think this thing sat around on a shelf at the hobby shop forever, some of the styrene castings are warped. I bend them back. Adding detail parts and will had platform, railings and ladders from Plastruct.

Chuck Geiger

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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 06:51:10 PM »
Finally got around to working on some passenger equipment.  Car on the left is a Hellgate B60 which I finished decaling and adding some light weathering.  Car on the right is a PLC Cafe/Loung coach built from sides.  This was my second time using sides (the first turned out much better but became a chewtoy for a puppy).  Not happy with the results but I got lots of sides to practice on.  Car in the back if a D78 I got assembled from Union Station Produces.  Had it special made since the roof was the part I didn't feel like working on. 


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2008, 07:08:50 PM »
I finally got a much needed decal project done for my CGW in Waterloo, IA.

Hopefully I can now use the lettering work for the six other CGW cars I need.


Of course now I just need someone to make the right gondola. :P.  I though MT had a 14 panel straight steel side fixed end (wrong end but fixed none the less).  Oh well.


« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 07:38:59 PM by wcfn100 »

Ed Kapuscinski

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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2008, 07:25:52 PM »
Like John, I also did lots of work on my oNeTRAK module. The crappy bachmann building is gone. It's been replaced with a scrap yard. I don't think the crane will be ready (those REM kits take a LOT of filing and I've been working on finding a way to make it rotatable.)

I guess I should also hit the other industry's building's fiberglass windows with a black wash.


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2008, 07:36:14 PM »
I got my scanner to work.  The only picture I had close by though was this...

A little something from 1986 or 7.  Yup, those are Bachmann Crap Masters that I painted up.  I even used MT RS-3 pilot conversions to fill the big holes in the ends.  I just sold the bridge on eBay for about $15.

Ah, memories!

I'll have to dig out the big bag of photos and see if there isn't some more goodies there for you all to enjoy.

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Lee Weldon


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2008, 08:05:23 PM »
Lot of oNetrak module work going on.
I made the adapter module green and installed a tortoise and AR1 underneath. Finished up a nice box for the Banjo modules. Still have to repaint that bridge with the black spots but it's been too cold.

chuck geiger

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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2008, 09:16:28 PM »
Like John, I also did lots of work on my oNeTRAK module. The crappy bachmann building is gone. It's been replaced with a scrap yard. I don't think the crane will be ready (those REM kits take a LOT of filing and I've been working on finding a way to make it rotatable.)

I guess I should also hit the other industry's building's fiberglass windows with a black wash.

Ed do you have any pics on your website of the new project. Also I have some keen ways to make scrap iron and metal.
Chuck Geiger


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2008, 09:23:35 PM »
SNFF 2008 01 25

Hi, all,

I finally finished weathering (and renumbering) four N scale LifeLike
Southern Pacific Black Widow SD7s.

As many of you know, these locos do not come apart as easily as the
pop-off-the-shell manner that most Atlas and Kato locos do.  So that
was fun figuring it out... thx to Andre Kritzinger's web site (hes' in
South Africa)... or I'd never figure it out:

Thx, Andre.

Here's some photos of my project:


Part 2:

Yes, I know, these SP DF-118 class SD7's should have the barrel
can headlights and steam generators.....  if I can ever find more
of the discontinued Sunrise Enterprises parts to outfit these
locos, I will. 


Part 3:

Yes, I also know that to be prototypically correct, the ends of
SP Black Widow SD7/SD9 units should have the red stripe continue
around on the end, and there should be silver above that on the ends.   
Another project, for another time..... :-)


Have a good weekend, all!
John Sing
Venice, FL
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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2008, 10:10:55 PM »
John, the SDs look great!  Did you use an airbrush or wash on the hoods?


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2008, 10:11:38 PM »
Now that I removed the bridge from my module, I was able to lift off the plastic "water" and apply some adhesive caulk under it. I then piled everything I could find on top of it to hold the plastic down while the caulk dries:

Finally, a use for that box of HO-scale stuff my cousin gave me! :)

I also buried the wires on the bridge in channels I carved into the bridge deck, covered the channels with thin styrene, and painted them to match the deck. The wires aren't entirely invisible, but they're a darn sight less obtrusive now:

If I ever get around to ballasting the thing, that'll help even more. Unfortunately, the next priority is getting the module re-assembled enough to run it at Timonium next weekend, so further cosmetic work will have to wait.
Rob M., a.k.a. Zox
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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2008, 10:32:00 PM »
I finally got a much needed decal project done for my CGW in Waterloo, IA.

Hopefully I can now use the lettering work for the six other CGW cars I need.


Of course now I just need someone to make the right gondola. :P.  I though MT had a 14 panel straight steel side fixed end (wrong end but fixed none the less).  Oh well.


Man, I never noticed that the panel count was different between the drop end gon and the fixed end gon.  Good catch. 

Have any gondola decals to share?  Closest thing out before was the Oddballs set for the open hoppers.  That set works OK for flat cars too.  What other cars are you trying to model?


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2008, 10:55:00 PM »
Ok, Jason, you need the fixed end gondola with cover from MTL, which has 14 panels instead of 15.  Eureka moment #2.


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Re: Weekend Update 1/27/2008
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2008, 10:56:27 PM »
Man, I never noticed that the panel count was different between the drop end gon and the fixed end gon.  Good catch.  

Have any gondola decals to share?  Closest thing out before was the Oddballs set for the open hoppers.  That set works OK for flat cars too.  What other cars are you trying to model?

  On the list of decals I would like to do for the CGW are the gondolas, trailer flats, 556-570 'grocery cars' and the most important, the "x-29" cars.  I may approach MT to see it they'll do a two pack, one int the 8xxxx, and a leased 8xxx series.  Ideally, I want to just put together a bunch of reporting marks, numbers and rebuild dates and have a sheet that could number many different types of cars.  I think then I would have MS do a batch.  I don't know if Oddballs would do them as I have offered artwork before and he was not interested (non-cgw).

  After finding out about the MT gon problem, I've already started to hack some cars apart to see what can be done.

Doesn't look like too much work to get something very close.  I am trying to decide how many I will want and if I should make a mold or let my impatience take over as usual and two of the sides and ends and put one together.

If I own a lathe and drill press I'd be working on an 19,000 tank car.  But I'll have to save that for someone else.
