Does anyone know if these have "BEMF"? I have a bunch of older Atlas and Kato locomotives waiting to be milled for decoders, these would save me a bunch of time if they have speed stabilization like Digitrax DN163 series decoders.
Anchorage Alaska
Yes, the do come equipped with BEMF. I just received this from Litchfield Station:
"DCC Decoder for your classic N diesels
TCS has announced a Class N split board decoder for the "classic" Atlas diesels and similar locos ($30.89). Now, you can save the hassle and expense of sending your frame out for machining! While I still expect this to be an "advanced" install, this new decoder should help. It will have the TCS BEMF! Our part number is TCS-CN and we expect stock at Litchfield Station later this month".