Ok, my "on the cheap" classic RS3 (newer slow mo run) arrived yesterday!
Background: I had considered remotoring the old Atlas/Kato chassis but with the newer(better) Atlas/China mech out there I decided against (too much work and a little dicey) it contingent on my being able to score one of the newer Atlas releases on the cheap.
So I spent about half an hour dismantling both my old Atlas/Kato version and the new version.
To my surprise and delight my old shell and cab fit perfectly on the new mechanism and sill with a few small exceptions:
1) I had to "snip" the two little prongs on the inside of the Atlas/Kato cab as the new mech does not have "slots" for these.
2) I noticed that the front steps on the shell stuck out a bit over the sill. This puzzled me for a while. I had both shells off again and compared them (they are the same tooling, with minor mods to the tooling on the new release). Finally I figured it out: the new mechanism has two "pimples" on the sides near the ends of the frame. These must mate to some "dimples" that atlas added to the inside of the new shell. I think I'll simply file those down so that the new shell will fit properly.
So I'm pretty pleased - it runs a hell of a lot better!
This is the oldest diesel that I have hung onto over the years, and a sentimental favorite as it raised the bar up to respectable for N scale hood diesels.
I took pix last nite, but I havent had time to upload them - will do that tonight or tomorrow latest.
Remaining challenges: the donor sill, fuel tank, and railings are shiny black. Will have to dull these down to match the hood and weather the whole thing a bit me thinks. Also, since I model late 60s early 70s, I will have to repaint the end railings yellow.
Here's the before:
(click to enlarge)