Skibbe and I walked around the show a bit and I took a few photos. Since most of it has been covered already, I'll just caption a few photos below. Everything below is n-scale only...
(below)Atlas had pre-production 2-bay hoppers on display:
(below)Atlas through plate girder bridges:
(below)Atlas Ford Fairmont in n-scale (these looked really good):
(below)Bachman Chesapeake and Vanderbuilt Tenders:
(below)Athearn had an n-scale Big Boy on display - like the Challengers, this was extremely well done:
(below)Deluxe is coming along with the spine cars. Dave mentioned there are some changes that need to be done first:
(below)Deluxe also had there latest releases on display including more pre-weathered stuff that looks great:
(below)Intermountain had their upcoming flatcars on display:
(below)Intermountain flatcar - nice detailing (hand modeling by Mike Skibbe):
(below)Intermountain shells of upcoming FP7:
(below)Intermountain milk car shells:
(below)Intermountain milk car shells:
(below)Fox Valley Models - New RD4's looked great:
(below)Fox Valley Models - New RD4's looked great:
(below)Fox Valley Models - New RD4's looked great:
(below)Fox Valley Models - New PS 5344 boxcars also looked good:
(below)Fox Valley Models - New PS 5344 boxcars also looked good:
(below)Kato - SP Daylights in paint, no lettering though - articulation of close coupling design is ingenious. Below is how close the cars couple:
(below)Kato - SP Daylights - when negotiating a turn the coupler slides and spreads to accomidate tight curves:
(below)Kato - SP Daylights in paint, no lettering though - sorry for the blur:
(below)Walthers - yard office and shed:
(below)Walthers - city water tower and cinder conveyor and ash pit:
(below)Walthers - gateman's tower: