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I'm curious about seeing Clinchfield but not D&H.Not that I really have a dog in the hunt, but it's still interesting.
Actually I've been watching this model with great interest. The success or failure may have an impact on the likelyhood of me seeing another articulated made - the N&W CLass A.BLI has been selling them like hotcakes in HO, so who knows? PCM still is in the starting gate, so it may be decades before it happens.
Delivery in JulyATH11801 4-6-6-4 Undec (UP/ D&RGW Version)ATH11805 4-6-6-4 UP #3943ATH11806 4-6-6-4 UP #3977ATH11807 4-6-6-4 CRR #672ATH11809 4-6-6-4 D&RGW (Road # not available yet)