Ok, I just got the real skinny, the aerial pic I posted is incorrect, the online maps have been getting it wrong, it's ACTUALLY the big gray building right here on the corner:
http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=qkctkf8mc0gd&style=o&lvl=2&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=7133194&sp=Point.qkctkf8mc0gd_MBK%27s%20New%20Location___They're not getting the whole thing, but the bigger part of it. They said there should be LOTS of room. This is REALLY good news.
My source also told me that the retail "scale back" isn't nearly as drastic as it sounded. Really, what they're going to be doing is scaling back on stuff that doesn't move. For instance, they still have retail stuff out that has been out in the store that I priced back in 2004. That's the type of thing that's going to be getting culled, but popular stuff that people are into will all still be there (along with, get this, aisle space!!).
Anyway, all good news, it sounds like everyone down there is really excited too.