I was recently able to get some more n scale ME code 40 flex, so I am continuing to lay track on my new layout. I am at a point that I want to prepare for ballast at a later time, by getting an preemptive order in to ARM, as it sometimes takes time for delivery. I will have 155 feet of mainline track, using N scale Midwest cork for the profile. I have tried WS ballast on a proof of concept and did not like it, and have seen some other layouts using ARM and have decided to use ARM. So my question is specific to ARM only.
Obviously, I could order some now, and then order more as needed, but I would prefer to get it all at once as one never knows how the supply chain may be in the future. So the question is, how much ARM mainline ballast in their standard bags (11.5oz) should I order for 155 feet of mainline?
Kind regards,