While we have been discussing the problem, you didn't mention the specific decoder you are using. Both the misbehaving micro and the latest nano. Which ones are they? How are they installed in the model?
I'm asking because in the more recent Kato F7 locos (like you have?), the ESU LokSound nano decoder comes installed onto the wide-body board.
If the decoder is defective, if you sent it to ESU for repair, even without warranty, they will fix/replace it for a nominal fee. To find out what to do and the cost, call ESU's U.S. office.
3625 Betty Dr Suite A
Telephone: +1 (570) 980-1980
Fax: +1 (866) 591-6440
www.loksound.comThe ESU decoder issue you are alluding to was with a voltage regulator chip, resulting in a totally dead decoder. Your problem sounds more like a cold solder joint causing intermittent connection.