You have hit the nail on the head with your question. Yes, the RSC-3 truck is a modification of the RSD-4/5 truck. Or, possibly the other way around depending which came first. The RSC-3 truck had a wheelbase of 11'-0" with equal spaces (5'-6") between the axles while the RSD-4/5 had a wheelbase of 12'-6" with axle spacing of 5'-7" and 6'-11". The ALCo drawing of the RSC-3 truck is dated Feb 18, 1950 so it may pre-date the introduction of the RSD-4. To the best of my knowledge, the Seaboard and Pacific Great Eastern were the only railways to order the RSC-3. If you have access to Carsten's Publications "Loco 1 - The Diesel" (1966), there is a drawing showing the RSC-3 style on page 87.