You know, as I've been thinking about what to pack and bring to the show, this build thread keeps popping into my head as "what do I want to get photos of on Randy's module??".
Thanks, because that's one of the reasons I did this this way. I've got my own collection of PRR local equipment for a non-PRR modeler now, and you can't imagine how many times I've looked across the river at that scene today and wondered what it must have looked like in the steam era. It's really rather 'generic' PA where every railroad followed a creek or river up a valley, and that's intentional. It reminds me of a lot of places. The only real giveaway to PRR heritage is the choice of bridge and culvert design, if you're a true SPF.
The real advantage is being able to haul these outside and shoot in sunlight. Even my Trunkeyville module has done that justice, which by the way, is about 10 miles south of the 'Thompson' location. The only thing about Trunkeyville/Jamison/West Hickory is that I never build them to include the riverbank right to the waters edge, and here, I am.