Narlie … mon amie … tres bien! Merci boucoup! Excuse moi, si vous plait - mon francais est terrible!
Seriously, thanks so much for that. You made it look so easy, but I’m still not clear on where to best do the prying. A close-up of where to place a knifeblade or fine screwdriver would be helpful.
I saw your post from Rapido about using your fingers to remove the shell - I tried that, but the chassis did not budge at all. I’m paranoid about breaking something!
Peteski, I did indeed see the content that you kindly referred back to, but I was hoping that someone might have, or be able to come up with, something better/clearer/more descriptive. Hence, I started this topic. I still think that me, and likely others, would benefit from a somewhat more detailed “pictorial tutorial”, just to avoid learning the hard (expensive) way!
But, good stuff so far - thanks guys!