Wish we could get this kind of love in N scale....
The SD40-2 variations are now starting to add up:
-Phases (1 or 2)
-Headlight position
-Nose Brake (Rachet or Wheel)
-Dynamic Brake option
-Dynamic Brake Bulge option
-Bell position
-Cab windows
-Cab Sunshades
-2 different Snowplows
-Fuel Tank size options
-Different Roof Antennas and Equipment
-Beacon Light option
-Airhorn options
-Airhorn placement options
-Radiator styles (Open Grid or Corrugated)
-Different Cooling Fans
-Roof AC option
-Bay Window option
-Winterization Hatch option
-Ditch light option
-Ditch light placement
-Marker Lights option
-Blower Housing (two styles)
-Exhaust Silencer option
-Anticlimbers options
-Trucks (HT-C or 3 axle Flexicoil)-Nose lengths differences
-Pilot differences (not yet agreed with factory)
and probably a few more details.......