Author Topic: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders  (Read 1991 times)

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Re: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2021, 09:44:10 AM »
This is my first hardwire in a a switcher - in fact, most of my installs have been on steam. I'm used to having a nice empty tender with lots of space to work!

Jim Starbuck

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Re: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2021, 10:04:48 AM »
I’ve only ever programmed these with a Lokprogrammer so I have no idea what the individual CV values should be. The default BEMF settings on these are a bit off for a switcher and usually cause them to run jittery until dialed in.
If you find that to be the case I can post a list of the CV values so it smooths out.
Modutrak Iowa Division
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Re: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2021, 11:11:16 AM »
I’ve only ever programmed these with a Lokprogrammer so I have no idea what the individual CV values should be. The default BEMF settings on these are a bit off for a switcher and usually cause them to run jittery until dialed in.
If you find that to be the case I can post a list of the CV values so it smooths out.

I've already notice this! If you're willing to share that would be a huge help!

Jim Starbuck

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Re: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2021, 11:24:45 AM »
No problem at all.
I’ll have to wait until I get home from work this afternoon though.
Is this install an NW2 or S4?
Modutrak Iowa Division
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Re: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2021, 02:14:22 PM »
This one is the S4

Jim Starbuck

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Re: Help upgrading some Bachmann N scale switcher decoders
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2021, 08:05:50 PM »
Here's the text list of CVs from my S4.
It looks like load control is CV 51-55.
There's also a way to auto calibrate the motor which is explained on p.54 of the downloadable user manual on the ESU website.
Hope this helps.

CV 001 = 003
CV 002 = 006
CV 003 = 004
CV 004 = 003
CV 005 = 225
CV 006 = 114
CV 007 = 255
CV 008 = 151
CV 009 = 040
CV 013 = 001
CV 014 = 001
CV 015 = 000
CV 016 = 000
CV 017 = 225
CV 018 = 214
CV 019 = 000
CV 021 = 000
CV 022 = 000
CV 023 = 000
CV 024 = 000
CV 027 = 024
CV 028 = 131
CV 029 = 046
CV 031 = 016
CV 032 = 000
CV 047 = 001
CV 049 = 017
CV 050 = 002
CV 051 = 010
CV 052 = 025
CV 053 = 115
CV 054 = 040
CV 055 = 015
CV 056 = 015
CV 057 = 000
CV 058 = 000
CV 066 = 128
CV 067 = 001
CV 068 = 002
CV 069 = 004
CV 070 = 007
CV 071 = 010
CV 072 = 014
CV 073 = 018
CV 074 = 023
CV 075 = 028
CV 076 = 034
CV 077 = 040
CV 078 = 047
CV 079 = 054
CV 080 = 062
CV 081 = 070
CV 082 = 079
CV 083 = 088
CV 084 = 098
CV 085 = 108
CV 086 = 120
CV 087 = 133
CV 088 = 147
CV 089 = 162
CV 090 = 178
CV 091 = 195
CV 092 = 213
CV 093 = 233
CV 094 = 255
CV 095 = 128
CV 100 = 000
CV 101 = 064
CV 102 = 000
CV 103 = 000
CV 104 = 255
CV 105 = 000
CV 106 = 000
CV 109 = 000
CV 110 = 000
CV 111 = 000
CV 112 = 020
CV 113 = 031
CV 116 = 050
CV 117 = 100
CV 118 = 015
CV 119 = 020
CV 122 = 000
CV 123 = 100
CV 124 = 004
CV 125 = 030
CV 126 = 130
CV 129 = 015
CV 130 = 005
CV 132 = 000
CV 134 = 010
CV 141 = 025
CV 142 = 125
CV 143 = 100
CV 149 = 000
CV 150 = 042
CV 151 = 085
CV 152 = 127
CV 153 = 170
CV 154 = 212
Modutrak Iowa Division
Better modeling through peer pressure