Author Topic: Masking Walthers Buildings  (Read 969 times)

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Masking Walthers Buildings
« on: April 29, 2021, 07:16:59 PM »
Any good and easy ways to mask out the cement portion to paint the brickwork red?

Way of the Zephyr


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Re: Masking Walthers Buildings
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2021, 07:24:04 PM »
Measure Concrete portions with some calipers. Place a couple long strips of masking tape on a sheet of glass (or any hard, smooth surface). Cut the tape into ribbons the width of the concrete and wrap em around. Should go fairly quick as long as the cut are accurate. And along the corners you can probably get away with just using normal tape. Would probably be the easiest way as long as the 2 types of concrete framing are uniform.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 07:26:36 PM by dem34 »


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Re: Masking Walthers Buildings
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2021, 09:07:59 AM »
I went a different route. I painted the brick first. Then the concrete "trim".
As I felt masking the brick would be a lot easier.Lay the masking tape over the brick. Over lap the concrete. Burnish the tape into the edges of the brick.  Use the edge (Between the brick and the concrete) as a guide for trimming the tape.

Here is an example. (I don't have a dedicated photo of the building) - sorry, for the extra stuff in the foreground.



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Re: Masking Walthers Buildings
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2021, 09:13:40 AM »
I went a different route. I painted the brick first. Then the concrete "trim".
As I felt masking the brick would be a lot easier.Lay the masking tape over the brick. Over lap the concrete. Burnish the tape into the edges of the brick.  Use the edge (Between the brick and the concrete) as a guide for trimming the tape.

Here is an example. (I don't have a dedicated photo of the building) - sorry, for the extra stuff in the foreground.


No apologies necessary!  Great phot of great modeling!  I had wondered about that approach so I am glad you shared your experience!  For a lot of my structures I buy 2. One to build to place on the layout and get the full fit and effect.  I have a second one to build in the future and paint and detail etc.  I have this and one other that I want to build one time and was curious as to what others were doing. I miss the molded brick panels of past years. 

Way of the Zephyr