While I am not familiar with the Penn Station kit, I have a number of CMR structure kits. Consider these as more of a pre-cut craftsman kit, that requires some labor to finish. A fair amount of scraping and sanding is necessary on the front surface of each piece to clean off the plastic swarf that piles up on either side and at the end of the laser path. Also, if the Penn Station kit utilizes different layered pieces to form each wall (like their other kits do), you will probably want to clean up the edge of the openings, as the laser will leave what looks like a saw mark on the edge. Plus, the laser cannot cut a sharp inside corner, so those will all need to be cleaned up as well with a file. I really wish they would choose a different material, like PE brass, for the window frames, as the thick acrylic is a little too heavy for N scale. Having said all of that, the result will be an absolutely beautiful structure when finished.