1. The long awaited wheel sets for the GMD-1 will be here early next month and will be sent to those who have requested them with instructions on how to install. We sincerely regret how long this has taken the factory to get made.
2. Those customers who have ordered a new chassis to correct the backward wiring problem; we have an update. The factory is unable to make the small number (under 120) chassis due to minimum requirements for raw materials. in order to get the chassis made we have announced the pre-ordering of the GMD-1 1400 series in N scale. The order period has been shortened to a few months in order to get into production be fore Chinese New Year. This will allow the first chassis off the line to be air freighted to us for those customers awaiting their replacement chassis.
Those clients forced to wait will be receiving their chassis as soon as we can get them; in addition we will send one of our soon to be released N scale reefers as a thank you for your extraordinary patience in this matter.
The new GMD-1 1400's are DC or DCC/sound only; in fact we are looking to receive input from modellers on the redesign of this unique unit. If you are interested, please see our newsletter and read Jason's comments and see the diagram attached.
http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=d5e71bd9-eca5-437f-9562-56a11e9a32a4&c=d5304060-4246-11e3-baa7-d4ae5275dbea&ch=d6d84b10-4246-11e3-bb54-d4ae5275dbeaWe regret the time it has taken to address these issues but are committed to fixing them as best we can.