The "grain" of your texture is going the wrong way. You want the lines going parallel to the ground. The horizontal lines would be from wooden forms used to pour cement "back in the day".
According to the photo description the streaks were dirt though I guess it probably would lay down with any grain from the forms. One thing else I noticed is that the photo concrete makes my spray bombed building foundation outside look too plain and dark.
Thanks, Tomm. I had already searched Lances site and went looking for an article of his on using photos glued to styrene for roofs. My problem might also be thatmy room is 10 x 12 inches. Probably going to take more than 1 image. The loading bay roof is 1 5/8 x 12 5/16. An image long enough to be of use will waste a tremendous amount of texture.
I'm trying to get different looks to simulate a building with parts of various ages and styles of construction.
Also, anyone know a good thinner for Walthers Goo? Will Bestine work seeing it really is rubber cement thinner? Nevermind, the tube says Acetone.