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agreed....but:if spring action is still working in throwbar fixturethe electric connection should be less of a hit and miss thingit should be more hit than missif not, might it be an issue of keeping rail connection locationsat the throw bar area clean and good for conducting current?fwiw....sincerely
Yes, it is more hit than miss, but when it's a miss it's quite annoying. I have a decent 'cleaning' system for maintaing a good electrical connection but was hoping to get close to 100% reliability without using any kind of switch (as noted in my first post). It would be nice if the N electrofrog switches had the same wipers as the HO versions. It's amazing how quickly a good conducting path can be degraded by dust, oxidation and other environmental things (e.g. marine aquarium that shares the space). Oh well, is still fun to run trains so I'll just clean points before every session and hit trouble spots when they creep up. Perhaps I won't have the switch restriction on the next layout.
What is the cleaning system/process that works well for your electrofrogs?Mike