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thinking out loud here and would be interested in repliessince the one thing (at least in my mind) that makes PRR steam unique from much of the N Scale production steamis the Belpaire Firebox:(1). with 3D printing now so readily useable and available, could someone produce "add on" parts to be affixed to other steam locomotives as to have the size, shape, and details of a Belpaire Firebox?(2). yes, several models would be necessary, depending on the particular locomotive being modeled, and every dependent on the manufacturers shell, but there would be a market for such, wouldn't there?(3). I am thinking as an alternative, if the first two options are not possible or likely, to make such parts out of styrene, polymer clay, putty, or something else that can be shaped to the proper configuration...but where would one start to know dimensions and other particulars?thanks for any remarkswith appreciation--
PRR wasn't the only road to use Belpaires. GN used the design too.
Burlington had a number of Belpaire boilers also,mostly small locos of early 1900s vintage. B&O had a number from when PRR contolled them,one was similar to the H6 class. there were other experimentals also. Spikre