Author Topic: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!  (Read 10713 times)

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Dave V

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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2014, 11:01:59 AM »
Peer pressure can generally be a positive thing, challenging one another to successfully higher achievement.  But in the end, most of us will never op on each others' layouts (although I've been lucky enough to op on 4 other a$$hat layouts), so you are really beholden to no one but yourself with respect to the choices you've made.

When I see a Unitrack layout, I understand the appearance compromise was balanced by reliability and ease of construction.  I never doubt a Unitrack layout's performance.

A model railroad that is anything more than a large static diorama must run flawlessly...and we each have our own ways of achieving that.


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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2014, 11:25:55 AM »
I DO love code 55 and 40, and will always opt for it on my layout...but it sure has been fun working with this on the T-Trak preference would have been to use the Arizona rock and Mineral ballast on our club modules, as Noah did on his trackage posted here, but the Kato ballast is readily available and keeps the club's modules with the same flavor no matter the scenery...

Dave, I's all a personal preference...even though I would call myself a 'fine scale snob', I can't deny that Unitrack just runs flawlessly...and tweaking the turnouts, a la John Sing's article, makes it almost foolproof...I believe they will continue to release new pieces all the time-the turntable, the new crossover in their concrete tie doubletrack line (Beautiful!).
Wish I could have seen the layout when you were still TDI down here on the Emerald Coast
"STILL Thrilled to be in N scale!"

Bruce M. Arbo
CATT- Coastal Alabama T-TRAK


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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #47 on: December 05, 2014, 03:37:33 PM »
I have to say that the NeoLube on the rails is a pretty good idea.

Sure is!   I've used it for years.  And this isn't just a Unitrack/code 80 thing.  I think it makes even code 55
look a lot better.
I've used this photo before to illustrate the point.  I originally took it to show the engine,
but when I saw it, the thing that jumped out at me was how good the rails looked under the drivers:

Just a small brush along the sides of the rails.  It's so easy to apply.  You can always apply more for a darker
effect if you like, because it's just an alcohol wash.  And if a little spills on a tie or the ballast here and there,
so much the better, so everything isn't so "clean".
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 06:42:27 PM by mmagliaro »

Dave V

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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #48 on: December 05, 2014, 10:15:25 PM »
I've got a ton of Neolube and I think I'll try that next time I'm laying track.


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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #49 on: December 05, 2014, 11:54:07 PM »
I have had discussions with folks at Atlas over the years since the introduction of their code 65 track, They are aware of the fragile rail joiners compared to Kato track and the lack of variety with theirs. I have been told that once they iron out their track manufacturing challenges and they have code 80 and 55 rolling again the 65 track will be expanded. Many of you are right in that originally it was an answer to the deep flange issue of operating older equipment on code 55 and it was designed for train sets.

I was an early user of Unitrack and built a few realistic layouts with it enjoying the reliability, endurance and variety of pieces. However being a railroader I just could not get used to the wide tie spacing and heavy rail so went to code 55 and then a bit of 65 before a move and HO. We still use Unitrack in all of our model railroad sets designed for training new, hire conductors.

Maybe one day the Atlas, code 65, track will be a stiff competitor to Unitrack. I hope for either that or Kato producing a more realistic track but since it is based on a Japanese prototype I don't see that happening too soon.



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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2014, 02:41:08 AM »
"I remember back on the "old" Atlas forum that a lot of discussions regarding Unitrack could get pretty ugly; kind of like reading about O scale 2 rail vs. 3 rail."

Basically, in my opinion, it's the same thing:  Hi-rail vs Scale track, with the same results - no decision.  I've seen pictures of some beautiful layouts with "toy" track, and for operators, the convenience and reliability can trump the out-of-scale appearance.

Me?  I like my code 55 and 40, but then I'm more of a "model railfan" than a "model railroader".  I like running the trains, but am not a dedicated prototypical operations person.
N Kalanaga
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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2014, 11:49:10 AM »

Finally performed some tweaks to a No. 4 Kato Switch (thanks to the excellent tutorial by John Sing)...
Flaeless performance, which is going to be required on a T-Trak setup at shows!
"STILL Thrilled to be in N scale!"

Bruce M. Arbo
CATT- Coastal Alabama T-TRAK


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Re: Does painting Unitrack make a difference?...HECK YEA!!!
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2014, 02:21:24 PM »
just a little more detailing... a few road signs, crossbucks, and power pole...still left to do, some more 'Farm' details (tractor, etc), a barbed wire fence and corral fence, highway guardrails, and static grass...

I love that chicken coop. Where did it come from?