Alrighty, really excited about this one. Those who know me know that I have started about a dozen layouts before having to move and then ripping them up. Well I have been difgging into HCD layouts a lot lately and think that this could be my fix to have a layout until I retire form the Air Force and am able to settle down in one place permanently. So!
I'm taking a HCD plan from Dave Vollmer's Juniata Division and modifying it slightly for my needs.
Modeling the Reading RR in anthracite regions in PA, between 1952-1958, so i can do late steam and early diesel. I am scratchbuilding a coal breaker that i plan on having either 3 flow throughs, or two long ones. Also Considering a small freight complex on the other side, not really certain yet.
So! Found a door at Lowe's for a darn good price!!
Spent the night working out the track plan...Still need some more turnouts before I can complete the whole plan, but I have enough to get me running a train on the outside as soon as I get to the track laying part.