Ok, a little more progress to report. I finished up the little underpass, I used some Evergreen 1/2 tile sheet and smeared it with a thin coat of liquid nails ( all out of squadron putty!) then sanded it down and it left a nice texture. I also worked on the fascia, because I wanted to have it in place, then bring the scenery right out to the edge without any gaps. Seemed like a good idea, I don't know. All I have right now is hydrocal, so I'm going to start mixing up small batches of it at a time, once I get the scenery contours massaged a little more. The fascia itself is made up of "Garage Sale" signs, I picked a ton of these up a while back when they were discounted to something like ten cents apiece. Flip them over and they're just styrene sheet, around 0.020" thick. To glue it to the layout I used Weldwood contact cement. To glue the cork to the styrofoam I used Elmers "no wrinkle" rubber cement. I've used this many times and it works great, a thin coat on each surface and its held in place firmly. However, you can remove the cork without damage to either surface if you decide to make a change. Anyway, that's it for now, more to come!