Author Topic: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)  (Read 11904 times)

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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #105 on: January 04, 2014, 08:45:17 PM »

growing up reading MR and MRC I've never heard of a 4 axel baby trainmaster.

Nobody did.   8)



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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #106 on: January 04, 2014, 09:19:52 PM »
RSD-15's, RSD 12's, The SD40-2 project.......... RIO GRANDE L132!!!!!


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #107 on: January 04, 2014, 09:31:03 PM »

Atlas did do the Fairbanks Morse H-16-44  The H16-44 has been done by both Atlas and Bachmann in different ways, but these were 4-axle 1600HP locos.

Yes, Atlas did produce the early version H16-44 which is not suitable for the P&WV and AC&Y and Bachmann did produce the late version H16-44 which is suitable for the P&WV and AC&Y. The only problem is the Bachmann model is quite a growler, does not have flywheels and comes with dummy couplers. With a little modification you can add Micro-trains couplers to the Bachmann model. Also of note, the detail on the Bachmann model is not as good as the detail on the Atlas model. To sum it all up, I'd like to see Atlas make the late production run H16-44, as I doubt Bachmann with ever update their shell, handrails and drive train on their current H16-44.



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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #108 on: January 04, 2014, 10:07:30 PM »
No author is always accurate.  I grew up CNW, and I'm sure I could locate more published sources, that was just the easiest book to get to.   The important part here is that this was 1975.  Find me a single published source pre-1990 that calls the H-16-44 a "Baby Train Master" and I'll give it some credibility.

edit:  Anyone have an early Diesel's Spotters Guide?  That could have something.

In my early Diesel Spotters Guide there is no mention of "Baby Train Master" on the H-16-44 data page. The data page for the H-16-66 designates this as the "Baby Train Master".


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #109 on: January 04, 2014, 10:17:12 PM »
In my early Diesel Spotters Guide there is no mention of "Baby Train Master" on the H-16-44 data page. The data page for the H-16-66 designates this as the "Baby Train Master".

Thanks for that, I wish I still had mine from 20+ years ago.  Also glad they did "Train Master" as two words.  A lot of the time people write it as 'Trainmaster' which is incorrect (I probably did it in this thread  :P).



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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #110 on: January 04, 2014, 11:53:34 PM »
Sdodge, thanks for clearing that up.
To be honest I never did know what the difference was between those units I just thought they both looked neat.

I have a quick story about this "Train Master" designation.
Back in the 70-80s while working in the Soo Line's control center myself and a few other young men had the duty of training the first female officer how to work in the control center. Our duties concerned working with roundhouse foremen and dispatchers to line up power and cabooses for all trains, handle power failures, act as first line responders for derailments and handle special moves like unit trains, high wide loads, any passenger specials and other special movements. Part of our pre-computer communication was to write up a turnover after each shift in an old ledger so the next person on duty would know what was going on.
Early one monday morning as myself and new trainee were reviewing the ledger she read out loud " Retired Fairbanks Morse, road switch, type locomotive due off the BRC/Chgo. destined CP Winnepeg via Noyes. Unit has friction bearing trucks and must be handled at 25 MPH max." and the date due at the BRC. When I heard that I said: " Oh, that's probably the baby trainmaster which going to a railway museum up in Canada". To which she replied: "Boy I knew they were hiring managers, young but I didn't think that young"!
It would be great to see Atlas do one in Milwaukee orange and black.



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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #111 on: January 05, 2014, 04:49:20 PM »
"Yes, Atlas did produce the early version H16-44 which is not suitable for the... AC&Y..."

Wanna bet?

AC&Y 200 FM H15-44...

AC&Y 201 FM H16-44...

AC&Y 202 FM H16-44...

AC&Y 203 FM H16-44...

AC&Y 204 FM H16-44...

AC&Y 205 FM H16-44...

AC&Y 206 FM H16-44...

Only AC&Y 207 and 208 were the later carbodied H16-44s represented by the Bachmann model.

Had the P&WV not found the previously offered H20-44 so useful that line, as well, would likely have operated early H16s but as it was they only supplemented their 22 H20s with only 4 H15-44s.  If only we could get someone to do the H20-44...


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #112 on: January 05, 2014, 05:12:47 PM »
Ok, let me re-phase that, ""Yes, Atlas did produce the early version H16-44 which is not suitable for the P&WV"

I'd bet we'd have a better chance of seeing a Post War PRR K4 from Kato, before we ever saw a H20-44 from Atlas.  :( Now all I need is for Atlas to prove me wrong.  :trollface:


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #113 on: January 05, 2014, 11:24:51 PM »
"I'd bet we'd have a better chance of seeing a Post War PRR K4 from Kato, before we ever saw a H20-44 from Atlas."

I recently brought up the fact that we will soon have a GMD1 in N-scale yet no K4.  I'm not sure we won't see a H20-44 but who might do it is largely up in the air.  Bachmann would be a natural to do a K4 since they did one in HO, but convincing them or someone else to make one will take a lot of effort.  I have no need of one but I know folks who do and I can only hope that someone will step up to the plate.  It seems like such a natural model to do, especially so given the past Minitrix model and all the effort folks put towards using the shell to have one.  I yet hope that this will be something that will happen soon... given the way things are developing for N-scale, with 2014 being faced with a lot of optomism, lets hope that such "wish(es)" can be gained!!!  Oh, did I forget to mention that PRR had the most H20-44s?  NYC was @2 with P&WV being #3 and UP at a distant 4th place... but given all the modern stuff Uncle Pete doesn't deserve any love...  ;)


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #114 on: January 06, 2014, 01:14:13 AM »
SD40's, -2's, SD45's SD70ACe's MRL from Kato.

MKT or KCS ghost SD40-2's




Kato SW12


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #115 on: January 06, 2014, 04:39:29 AM »
I may be a bit late:

1. Get the damn basement sorted out. The Sunnydry I put down on the floor did not settle and I have awful ridges all over. This has stopped progress until I can figure out what to do.

2. Get a workable track plan together.

3. Atlas gets C55 flex back into production, introduces #12 or #14 switches and #10 equivalent curved switches.

4. 19K corn syrup tanks in Staley.

5. 5 bay PD hopers in AMD and Wonder Bread.

6. More general awesomeness from Showcase. Would love to see a modern fire truck based on their IH crew cabs, maybe new passenger vehicles etc.

7. MTL introduces a scale coupler that is a drop in fit for their 1015 boxes and is cheap enough to modify fleets.

8. PCF 14' door 50 boxcars.

9. Corn syrup/milk trailers

10: Get my Northeast Truck Company off the ground with a series of passenger cars focusing on the 1980's as well as modern fire trucks.
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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #116 on: January 06, 2014, 08:36:05 AM »
If all you do in 2014 is accomplish #10 - I'll be VERY happy.  Of course that means you, Showcase, and Jimmo will be getting ALL my train money.  :facepalm:
Philip H.
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Baton Rouge Southern RR - Mount Rainier Division.


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #117 on: January 06, 2014, 12:55:14 PM »
Little late, but I'd always heard the H16-44 referred to as 'Junior Train Master' or 'Train Master Jr' and the H-16-66 as the 'Baby Train Master'


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #118 on: January 06, 2014, 01:47:36 PM »
I'd always heard the late phase H-16-44 referred to as 'Junior Train Master' or 'Train Master Jr' and the H-16-66 called the 'Baby Train Master'


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Re: Your 2014 New Years N Scale Wish(es)
« Reply #119 on: January 07, 2014, 11:58:15 AM »
Floquil clone

50's scheme Sperry Rail Car

2 dome 50's tank car

Rome Wine 6 dome tank car

USRA 0-6-0

S-4 in UP ROTS/SATW 50's scheme


Transfer table

50' SS outside braced UP boxcars ( the ones that went to MOW )

UP 4-8-4 FEF-3

Well hole car

Better health for the sickest Railwire member , whoever that is .

There's a 6 dome tank car available on Shapeways (use the Champ HO decal set reduced to N scale and printed on a laser...I done 2 myself)

2nd on 50' ob boxcars (there has only been two done before in N and neither have been available for years)

2nd on FEF-3 (Kato please)

But what I want most of all is a Baldwin road switcher...AS-616, DRS 6-6-1500, or whatever. With and without dynamic brakes, an A and a B would be even better.

Other than that, I want Superturbine to keep making great steamers since he has taken care of most of my wish list in the last year or so (now I just need to actually BUILD the locomotives).

...and did you mean sick as in ill or sick as in twisted?
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