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Funny, and I find running without sound like watching a silent Buster Keaton movie, to the point I don't even bother running non sound stuff...to each his own I guess. Or maybe you haven't been exposed to decent quality "tightly enclosured" sound from a good decoder like the Tsunami or Loksound? The other comment I'd make is that sound is IMHO much more believable in a home layout setting with low ambient sound levels then clubs or especially shows, where it just gets drowned out by the masses...
at which point I'm in the "why bother?" camp.
Funny, and I find running without sound like watching a silent Buster Keaton movie, to the point I don't even bother running non sound stuff...to each his own I guess. Or maybe you haven't been exposed to decent quality "tightly enclosured" sound from a good decoder like the Tsunami or Loksound? The other comment I'd make is that sound is IMHO much more believable in a home layout setting with low ambient sound levels then clubs or especially shows, where it just gets drowned out by the masses...Just my admittedly subjective opinion,Otto K.
Sound adds a new dimension in what I'm expected to do as the engineer of that engine, and I love it.
Ah, thus I believe we get to the crux of it, why sound is important to you and annoying to me. The difference is that I have no desire to be the engineer; I am strictly an observer. Yes, I operate the locomotives and such, but that is merely to put things in motion. For whatever reason, I have never wanted to pretend I'm the engineer--way to close to the hat-wearing, whistle-tooting crowd. Or to own/operate a railroad--too much like a job! I derive my enjoyment entirely from watching, and while it's always clear to me I'm looking at a model, sound (owing to its limitations) makes the model less realistic instead of more.
Following your logic train (pun intended), since model trains move poorly in comparison to the inertia induced smoothness of the prototypes, they should be more realistic if they were completely static.