So my LHS owner sends out an email that a local guy is retiring from the military and moving back to Michigan from Arkansas, and he has a "train table" that he would like to find a home for. So I get his number and went and picked it up from him.
This guy runs O scale trains and had the table and a L shaped add on small yard. We got it loaded in the truck (one heavy table). So it's free wood, material, and I get there to see this table and it's a little more involved than he or our LHS guy explained.
So this table is 5x9, and has three levels. The second tier is 4-1/2 inches from the base, and the top tier is 6-1/2 inches from the second level. So instead of thinking I'd have some nice scrap to use, my thoughts on the way home are "what can I do with this in N scale. I've got some ideas in my head and I'm considering some offshoots from each tier possibly, but I thought I'd post this and see if some of you guys (Dave? Lee? Ed?) might see some possibilities...
This could drastically change the train room look, and lead to pulling the shelves off the walls and repositioning if some ideas show to be fruitful.