British Columbia's Own Prototype Modeling Event
We are proud to announce that the third annual British Columbia
Railroad Prototype Modeler's meet will again be held in association with TRAINS 2010. The
RPM meet will take place during Saturday, November 13th from 10AM-4PM at the
Cameron Centre in Burnaby, BC as part of a weekend of model railroading
activities. Clinics will be held on both the 13th and 14th covering a wide
variety of subjects.
All scales and all roads are welcome. If you've been working on something, be it
a structure, diorama, freight car or locomotive, in-progress or finished, bring
it out and participate in a friendly and informative afternoon.
Besides the RPM meet and Clinic line-up, TRAINS 2010 has a lot to offer
enthusiasts. The exhibition runs from the evening of Friday, November 12th
through Sunday, November 14th and features operating sessions, a public show,
model contest, escorted layout tour, Sunday evening banquet. The local prototype
tour has yet to be announced but such tours generally fall on the Monday after
the main show.
Images from Last year's RPM event can be accessed at:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/32922165@N06/sets/72157622812956308/Here are some of the clinics to be presented in 2010:
Mike Barone – The CPR's Nelson, BC Diesel shop
Tim Horton - The BCR Dawson Creek Subdivision in N Scale Revisited
At Trains 2005 Tim presented his plans for an N Scale layout depicting the BCR's
Dawson Creek Subdivision. Five years later this clinic will look at layout
design for prototypical operation in a small space, and some of the construction
techniques used to date, including proprietary shelving brackets, sectional
benchwork, wiring for DCC, LED layout lighting, hand laid Code 40 track, helix
construction and more. Tim's layout was featured in Model Railroad Planning
Greg Kennelly – Pacific Great Eastern Railway steam locomotives
Don Mitchell – Small Space Big Operation
The design and operation of a relatively small (140 sq. ft.) HO layout is
covered in detail. The Southern Mountain Railroad concept, track plan, and
operation keeps a 5 person crew busy with trains that include up to 3
locomotives, 16 40ft cars, and a caboose. Pluses and minuses of the factors in
play are discussed for consideration in planning of other small layouts. Don is
the author of Kalmbach's "Walkaround Model Railroad Track Plans."
Wendy Magnall and Edi Erwin - Mass producing model conifers
Phil Mason - B.C.'s forest industry and rail related delivery systems
Jack Hamilton - The NMRA Achievement Program Assessment - Getting Qualified
The primary purpose of this clinic is to fully acquaint participants with
reasonable experience as modelers, with the process and procedure for completing
AP assessments. This clinic will cover the general philosophy of AP, the
individual requirements for AP merit awards and AP certificates, and the tools
available to make assessments more objective. Attendees will get about an hour
of classroom exposure followed by a few hours of actual "hands on" assessment
experience. Those who complete the program presented and demonstrate the
attitude and ability requisite of an AP Assessor will be recommend for such
designation to their respective Division Superintendent.
Registration for BC RPM /Trains 2010 is $20 CDN
Does not include banquet, layout or prototype tours. Operating sessions are free
but first come first serve. Operating session attendees must pre-register.
Saturday night escorted layout tours TBA. Cost $25 CDN.
Sunday night Banquet: guest speaker TBA Cost $30 CDN.
Proto tour TBA
TRAINS 2010 is located at:
Cameron Centre (across from Lougheed Mall)
9523 Cameron Street
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Cameron Centre is under thirty minutes from downtown Vancouver using Skytrain.to
Lougheed station.
For more information regarding Trains 2010 and online registration see
www.bctrains.orgIf you are planning on attending the RPM meet feel free to drop a line at
ahutchinson.mudbay (at) gmail.com