to be better than you were on your last attempt. But know that everyone here has faced the same fears at one time or another. Some prevail while others now fly model airplanes. Model railroaders are not in this hobby because its easy. If we wanted easy floral arranging, golf or topiary gardening come to mind.
Human nature is to reach for the perfection that we see in our minds eye. Human abilities often fall short of these outrageous goals we set for ourselves. Once in awhile we do fool the eye and camera and its a magical experience. I would be very surprised to find that any of these great scenes 'just happened' on the first try. Every one of those photo realistic scenes is a result of planning, mockups, reworks, luck, inspiration (usualy at 3AM) and well thought out changes.
Having your work torn to shreds by the jackalls that inhabit TheRailWire hurts every time. The encouragement and advice that comes along with the pain is the balm that helps you heal...