i attempted to write to speed table to a dn163 decoder - now it just takes off when i put it on the main - help.
the board says DN163A4 (RoHS complaint version) - i have attempted to reset CV8, but the loco does not send an acknowledge. when i move the loco to the main, it just takes off at full throttle and i have zero control...
Congratulations, you just fried your first decoder. ;D
One of the issues with the new RoHS compliant decoders is whiskers developing in the lead-free solder. In the initial run(s) of DN163A0/DN163A4 this manifested itself in the decoder shorting out and frying when attempting to write to the speed tables.
There was quite a bit of discussion about this on the Atlas forum right after these decoders hit the street, and there may have even been a topic or two about it here on RailWire.
About your only option now is to return the product to Digitrax as defective for repair/replacement.