This is a 16 bit sound decoder with 4 channels, in a very small package. Almost all other sound decoders out there are 8 bit decoders with 3 and in some cases just 2 channels. That means you can't have things like background noise, bell, horn and anything else, like water fill or injectors or dynamo sounds also. With 2 channels you basically get background and bell or whistle or just bell and whistle. In terms of what you can possibly shoehorn into an N-scale engine, the sound you can get from the standard sized Tsunami is much better sounding than the MRC steam sound, noticeably better. I think the no longer made, hard to find, Soundtraxx LC090 steam sound better than the MRC steam at about the same price as the MRC, but it doesn't sound as nice as the Tsunami. The micro sized version is supposed to sound the same. I'll hopefully find out in the next few weeks as these start showing up and I actually buy one.
Which means there is an expensive but actually good sounding option now for N-scale sound. I'll be even happier when they move to adding diesel sounds to their line.
I've done enough installs for folks with HO locos, that I've decided when I go to move to sound I'll pay the extra to get the better sounding decoders, it really is a case of getting what you pay for.
The current MRC options of 1 sound fits all types of (steam or diesel) just doesn't cut it. Having my AC4400 sounding the same as a PA just ain't right.