To be honest I wouldn't say there is much change in performance since the first run Dash 9s apart from some newer motors. I make some changes to the reference voltage and BEMF settings, and things definitely run pretty sweet after that.
All my Kato SD40-2 Mids have warped handrails towards the rear porch
but then I probably have a roster skewed more towards these units and suffer accordingly.
I'm pretty happy with my ST Dash-9 now. It's running smoothly (and quietly) in a consist with my Kato units. And the factory detail is very nice. I should give my T4s some more attention...
Yeah, the Kato SD40-2 handrails SUCK. That lean-in towards the back porch drives me bonkers (my OCD). The hood width is hard to ignore too. If I get another SD40-2 it would almost certainly be an ST model, but I don't really need any.
How about an early pre-EPA oil bunker top and filler hatch for their FEF tenders, making a very easy and proper post-1946 to 1959 FEF-3 without the oil dams and safety appliances that the modernized 844 has??
That's cute Bob. I have an image of you going to the Kato boardroom in Tokyo and pitching this idea to the Kato brass. They would be very polite.
I have to believe the
only reason the SD70ACU gets a 2nd look is so they can sell CP heritage units. They'll probably throw in a few NS and/or Ferromex into the mix, but that's because it's only requires different paint.
The only way Kato will ever evolve into selling more detailed models (assuming they even want to) is if they can figure out how to make them robust and affordable. On the latter point, they will
never contract with a Chinese factory to provide any service, so they're in a similar position to Micro Trains. But MTL has managed to enter the 21st century while still remaining (semi) affordable, so maybe Kato could too; again, assuming they even want to.